The US Forest Service introduces us to a Hotshot crew

First of a two-part series

Wildland firefighters
Wildland firefighters. USFS image from the video below.

The California Region of the US Forest Service has been prolific in generating videos over the last several weeks. Here is their latest, released today. In the first of a two-part series, we catch up with the Eldorado Hotshots to learn what a Hotshot crew is and how they fight wildfires.

UPDATE Nov. 10, 2021: Part two of the two-part series about hotshot crews is now available.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

26 thoughts on “The US Forest Service introduces us to a Hotshot crew”

  1. I have to agree with best person for the job argument. As a feminist I would love to have more inclusion but only if our son’s is 100% protected. It’s incredibly hard and only people are capable should do it.

  2. Heidi, if that is true why did the FS just fire 2 African-American women? Do you think they feel valued in your organization? FYI – I’m a white woman…and I had an interview a couple of weeks ago (with 3 white guys in their 30’s – no diversity there!) and the first words out of one of the guy’s mouth was…Oh, it’s a girl! They asked me how I could do the job as a woman…I told them I’ve been doing this job for 27 years…they asked me how I could pee in the woods…I said just like you…very carefully…they also ask how I could make them more diverse….I told them that they needed to ask themselves that question being that they were men and I’m a woman. Sorry, for being so snippy, but seriously, the FS needs to do a better job at diversity. The future is NOW!

    1. I’m sorry to be
      Ignorant here as a new fs family. I believe women and poc should be given opportunities in fs. I do want my son’s crew to be the best for all of their sakes. I know my son would welcome anyone fit and able.

      1. Jackie Martin, welcome to the FS family. I agree with you…everyone should be given an opportunity. I also believe that a person needs to be educated/trained and qualified for the job that they are applying for; however, when the FS says, “the best person for the job”, it’s code for white men. The problem is the hiring process – centralized hiring. Everything goes through ASC, in Albuquerque, NM and one of the men who is in charge of hiring is a bigot. (I hate using that word, but that is the nicest word I can use!) Five years ago, the FS was more diverse, but something happened…the budget was cut, FS employees were classified as at-will, and the FS started “strongly encouraging” (ok, forcing) retirements, demoting people, and firing minorities (including women, pregnant women, men and women who had cancer, and so on and so forth) … many of these positions were in the Supervisory Offices, Regional Offices, and some in the Washington Office, but most were “support staff” (recreation, scientists, planners, NEPA, dispatchers, etc.). As of now, the FS’ workforce has been cut 38% and a lot of employees have been trying to pick up the slack. Some people are doing 5 different jobs, and to be honest they are burnt out. Sorry, I’ve rambled on, but before I go, I wanted to thank you for your comments. You’ve given me a different perspective. I don’t have any children, and I can’t image what it would be like to be a firefighter’s mom. I hope you and your son well. Good luck!

    2. I always believe there are 3 sides to a story. It would sure be nice to know why the people that were fired. As for the comments from the 3 individuals that made those comments, I sure hope you turned them in. Those comments are unacceptable.

      1. Heidi, I agree with you there are 3 sides to every story. I use to think that meant your story, my story, and the truth. Now, after spending $100,000 to fight the FS for 3-4 years in MSPB and EEOC I believe it means the FS story (what they make up), my story (what I can prove), and what the public believes. No disrespect, I use to be like you, optimistic, but then I worked for the FS and was sexually assaulted and instead of the FS supporting me they fired me. I became more realistic, pragmatic. I’d like to take on those 3 men, but to be honest it would take too long and cost too much money. So, I spend my time fighting for justice and trying to make the FS better from the outside. I’m glad you have a job, seriously I’m very happy for you, just be careful in the FS. Not everything is what it seems. Oh, and the 2 women were fired, because they were African-American and pregnant. It was/is a weird time…I hope things get better. Good Luck!!!

    3. Three white guys in their thirties? Have they been on this earth long enough to even know how to interview?. Sounds true backwoods. Time to send those youngsters to charm school and issue them their id10T cards. BUT I have been through many interviews where there has been a demonstrated and spoken need to meet quota to hire a woman, after the fact….pretty blatant if you ask me. Are they best qualified coming out of school (have to start somewhere) as opposed to folks already in the field? I get it as a white male…been doing jobs for 30 yrs….maybe the white women are getting what the “aged” white male are getting…….and if there is this out there, maybe the all the hiring process needs a GAO and Congressional investigation on these very operations, eh?

      1. #monitormonkey, I love reading your posts…always so insightful. 🙂 I agree with you, yes, maybe they could add charm school to one of the fire certs (CS-130). That was the first time in an interview, that I was asked how I pee. I tried to be funny, but I guess peeing in the woods is a serious topic. 😉 As for your comment about women, I don’t want to be hired because I’m a woman. I don’t like quotas. I want to be hired because I can do the job. I had a boss tell me he hired me because I was a woman and I was like no you hired me because I have the education and experience to do the job. I totally understand that some men (not all) are stronger than me. Some can run faster. But man, some women are stronger and faster than other men. I’ve worked for the NPS, FS, Air Force, and Army and I’ve seen some strong men and women. But even the strongest man or woman can get hurt if you over work them. As for your comment on “age,” there seems to be a time when the FS took care of firefighters who were older. They use to give them other jobs in the agency, but now it seems they kick ’em to the curb as soon as they can retire. I’ve heard lots of stories about people close to retirement being forced to retire. I also agree with you on the investigation…but it has to be external to the FS, because it seems the internal investigations never find anything.

  3. Really? How about the best person for the job. Instead of a reduction in physical requirements ..instead of complaining go out and recruit then

  4. Every one of them should be paid far more than Agency Administrators simply because of the rigor, exposure and potential consequences of the job. Agency admins are carpet walkers whose only job hazard is pinching their finger in the copy machine.

  5. Thanks for airing these videos. Great messaging for sure but also educates my family about what our son has committed to. Also pleased to see coverage of infrastructure bill developments.

  6. I saw a lot of white men, one woman, and no African-American men or women. If this video represents the diversity of the Forest Service, they failed.

    1. I saw a great succinct presentation, already aware of our commitment to diversity in our work place. That being said, I am a white guy so may have a different perspective and view a film more for message than who is in the cameras lens.

    2. You know, it’s like the travel bureau here in this State wanted and apparently locked onto….”Nebraska….it’s not for everybody!” So the sooner we can get off the the diversity thing (since 1990) and even the the check boxes for for the different groups…we might be on to something. Sure, that’s what the vid represents and maybe one wants to “consider” where it was shot…..surely not Indiana…we will be forever chirping about this issue. With the folks that are retiring and quitting and the issues with the hiring process…..this will never be totally solved. Good Luck!!

      1. ex-SQF, Good point! You’re right they should be honest. When I worked for R3, I worked closely with the PAO. She showed me the guidelines on outreach videos. We were suppose to show a diverse workforce, but I guess things have changed. I didn’t know things were so bad!

        1. If you want diversity, head into the Ranger District Office or the Forest HQ. The crews are not diverse, except for being Hispanic in R5.

          In my career in R1, R2, and R5, I worked with 3 total women and the only minorities I worked with were Hispanic.

    3. As a Forest Service employee, I can attest to management leading the way to make people of all colors and genders feel valued in our organization. Recruitment and outreach for these positions has been expanded and I believe we will see a more diverse workforce in the future. One place where recruitment has gone well is within the Native American community. I have had the honor of workng with a number of professional Native American crews over the last 25 years.

    4. You’re right. But at least they had a Mexican and a woman as the first two noticeable people you see. Maybe they should have hired a black actor to pretend to be the Eldorado supe and had him talk about BLM and opression and stuff. It’s changing slowly, I guess. We have to do more.

  7. Well done, in 5 minutes he paints a good picture, articulate, sure there is certainly more to it, good for recruitment…..Again Well done……..

    I like that the FS is getting their message out there, it’s good for employees as well as the general public….


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