- February 2024 Ricky Snodgrass burn boss Indictment, Grant County Oregon
- February 2024 Press Release Grant County District Attorney
- Malheur NWR Takeover — final sentencing in June 2018
- June 2023 PacifiCorp Final Verdict: James et al. vs PacifiCorp et al.
- February 2022 Boulder County District Attorney’s cease-and-desist letter to Frank Carroll and wildfirepros.com warning Frank Carroll about continuing to publish information that was false, misleading, unfair, unconscionable, deceptive, and fraudulent.
- 2024 ::: ARDUOUS DUTY WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER medical standards
- 13 Watch Out Situations:These are color posters of the original 13 Situations That Shout Watch Out that were in the basic 32-hour wildland firefighter training developed by the El Cariso Hot Shots 1972-1973. Feel free to use them; they were developed by the U.S. Government. This is a 14 MB .zip file.
- NTSB Party Guidance — expectations for parties to aircraft investigations
- NTSB Prelim — Sherpa N163Z accident 04/22/24 at Hamilton, Montana
- Fighting Forest Fires with Airtankers— H.P.Reinecker and C.B.Phillips
1958/59 California Division of Forestry — 154-page 109MB PDF file - Appalachian Airtanker Project
Airtanker Studies:
- 1974, NASA Airtanker Study
- 1984, Project Aquarius, Australia
- 1992, National Study of Type I and II Helicopters to Support Large Fire Suppression
- 1995, National Airtanker Study, Phase 1 (main body of report)
- 1995, National Airtanker Study, Phase 1 (appendices)
- 1996, National Airtanker Study, Phase 2 (11 Mb)
- 1985, Operational Retardant Evaluation
- 1988, Operational Retardant Evaluation Update
- 1998, National Study of Tactical Aerial Resource Management
- 1999, Fire Management Notes article (about airtanker studies)
- 2002, Blue Ribbon Panel
- 2005, Wildland Fire Management Aerial Application Study
- 2007, Effectiveness & Efficiency of Aerial Firefighting in Australia, Part 1
- 2009, National Interagency Aviation Council
- 2009, USDA OIG Audit Report
- 2009, NASA’s Very Large Aerial Tanker report
- 2009, Evaluating Prototype S-3B Firefighting Aircraft
- 2011, Airtankers & wildfire management in the USFS: data, usage, cost
- 2012, RAND: Air Attack Against Wildfires
- 2012, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station
- 2012, AVID firefighting aircraft study (10 Mb file)
- 2012, Large Airtanker Modernization Strategy
- 2013, Convergent C-27J report
- 2013, Government Accountability Office report (3 Mb)
- 2013, Colorado Air Tanker Study
- 2013, Large airtanker use & outcomes in suppressing fires in the US
- 2015, Fighting Fire in the Heat of the Day (with large airtankers)
- 2017, Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness, Fact Sheet
- 2019, Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness, Fact Sheet
- 2020, Impact of Utilizing Aerial Tankers in Fighting Forest Fires
- 2020, Fire Suppression Resource Scarcity (airtankers & Type 1 hand crews)
- 2020, Colorado CoE Evaluation of Water Enhancers
- 2020, Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness
- Bibliography of Wildland Fire Smoke Exposure Assessments, by NIOSH (70k)
- CDF Fire Control Handbook, 1977 (10.2Mb file)
- California Governor’s Blue Ribbon Report, FIRESCOPE, 2003 (20Mb file)
- CR 337 Fire, Heat Illness fatality, BLM Report (0.9 Mb)
- CR 337 Fire, Heat Illness fatality, NIOSH Report (3.9 Mb)
- Coen: Infrared Imagery of Crown Fire Dynamics (5.2 Mb)
- Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy 02-13-2009.pdf (1 Mb)
- Fire Management Notes, Vol 59, No. 1, Winter, 1999. (0.8 Mb) This edition has a summary of the National Air Tanker Study (NATS) which was released in two phases in 1995 and 1996. It recommended that 38 to 41 large air tankers be staffed nationally.
- Forest Fire Fighting Fundamentals, (2.3 Mb) 1940s or 1950s.
- Infamous Wildland Fires Around the World, revised July 2, 2013 (141K) This is a partial list, by date of the year, of some of the more famous, or infamous, multiple fatality wildland fires around the world over the last 150 years.
- Iron Complex fire, 9-fatality helicopter crash at Helispot 44, NTSB recommendations (20 K)
- Jesusita Fire Burnover, Summary Report, Green Sheet (869 K)
- Logging Slash Fire Burn Injury, Final Report (1.6 Mb)
- Mass Fires and Fire Behavior, Clive M. Countryman, 1964 (12 Mb)
- NIOSH and U.S. Fire Administration study of cancer among firefighters. 2010 to 2015
- Redrock-Trailer fires: Norovirus Lessons Learned (60K)
- Sadler Fire Entrapment Analysis (154K)
- Volusia County, FL Chainsaw Fatality (1.7 Mb)
- Water vs. Fire, Fighting Forest Fires with Water, 1950, by CDF & USFS (3.9 Mb)