ESF-4 to move from USFS to USFA?

The Department of Homeland Security’s National Response Framework designates the U. S. Forest Service as the “coordinator” and the “primary agency” for Emergency Support Function #4, which is Firefighting. When FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security get involved in an emergency, the purpose of ESF #4 is:

…provides Federal support for the detection and suppression of wildland, rural, and urban fires resulting from, or occurring coincidentally with, an incident requiring a coordinated Federal response for assistance.

We are hearing that the new Director of FEMA, William Craig Fugate, and the Department of Homeland Security are pushing for the U. S. Fire Administration to take over as the coordinator and primary agency for ESF #4. If this occurs, and it was discussed last week at a meeting in Emmitsburg, it would be a big change.

More FEMA grants in Minnesota for home sprinklers

Some folks in Minnesota are very skilled at applying for FEMA grants. St. Louis County in Minnesota has received a grant for $1.1 million to help 126 private homeowners and business buy outdoor sprinkler systems to protect their property from wildfires. The program will cover 75 percent of the costs of installing the systems. 

As Wildfire Today reported on November 12, 2008, Cook County in Minnesota has already received $3 million in FEMA grants for sprinkler systems for homes and businesses. As we stated then, grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be used for something other than adding sprinklers to private property.