Wildfire Today now has a custom magazine on Flipboard.
If you have a tablet or a smart phone you are probably familiar with Flipboard, a news aggregation service that displays articles in a sophisticated magazine format that is easy to use and pleasing to the eye. It gets its name from the page-swipe gesture on the screen that turns to the next page. Mike McCue, CEO and co-founder of the company, said they are adding at least 200,000 new users per day. The app is available at the Android Google Play store and the Apple App Store.
In March it became possible for Flipboard users to create and curate their own custom digital magazines on the site and in July they also became available in a conventional web browser in addition to being on the smart phone and tablet apps. If you create an account at Flipboard and subscribe to a magazine it will then be easy to find.
Yesterday we created a Wildfire Today magazine at Flipboard. In addition to displaying our own articles there, we will post others that we discover. We are considering it an experiment now, and we’ll see how it works. Our web site will not change — we are just adding another way to keep up to date with what’s happening in the world of wildland fire, in addition to the web, Facebook, and Twitter. Wildfire Today is also on Google+, but we have not done much with that venue.
Let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions.