Satellite photo showing smoke from the Milepost 97 Fire in Southwest Oregon spreading across Southern Oregon and Northern California at 6:30 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019.
(Originally published at 6:08 a.m. PDT July 29, 2019)
Firefighters on the Milepost 97 Fire just south of Canyonville, Oregon were able to knock down a 20-acre spot fire Saturday and Sunday on the east side of Interstate 5 near Turkey Creek that threatened to suddenly complicate the suppression of the fire. Following that, the Incident Management Team established a Division of resources dedicated to picking up any additional spot fires across the freeway.
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Milepost 97 Fire, including the most current, click here.)
Most of the active fire behavior Sunday was on the southeast side one ridge to the west of Interstate 5 about half a mile from the freeway, and two locations on the west side. Approximately 4.5 miles of the fire perimeter is adjacent to or very near the Interstate south of Canyonville. This is a step toward containment and after that area is mopped up it will reduce the chances of spotting across the highway in that location and the need to possibly close the highway to traffic in that particular area. So far the Interstate has remained open to traffic, but at times has been reduced to one lane in each direction in some areas.
A mapping flight Sunday night determined the fire has burned 11,668 acres, an increase of 659 acres in the previous 24 hours.
Map showing the location of the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon (the red line) at 12:18 a.m. PDT July 29, 2019. The white line was the perimeter about 27 hours before.
In the video below the Mail Tribune reports that after the fire started Wednesday, July 24 at approximately 10:00 p.m., there was only one air tanker working the fire Thursday morning beginning at 9:45 a.m. By that night the fire had grown to 1,650 acres.
On Sunday the firefighting resources assigned to the fire included 48 hand crews, 41 Engines, 45 Dozers, 14 Water Tenders, 13 helicopters, and 2 Single Engine Air Tankers for a total of 931 personnel.
It happened on the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon
Trailer that was apparently stolen from the Douglas Forest Protective Association July 27, 2019.
Some lowlife stole a trailer and its contents from firefighters that were working on the Milepost 97 Fire near Canyonville, Oregon Friday night.
“Apparently someone needed our cargo trailer and the firefighting equipment inside it more than we did and helped themselves to it last night,” Douglas Forest Protective Association firefighters wrote on Saturday. “This trailer was being used on the Milepost 97 Fire. If you see this trailer, please contact the Oregon State Police.”
The VIN number for the trailer is 16HCB10185U041439.
Anyone with information about the trailer should call the Oregon State Police at 800-442-2068, or 911.
Information about the trailer that was apparently stolen from the Douglas Forest Protective Association July 27, 2019.
Our Take:
It’s loathsome to steal. But it is despicable to take the equipment of firefighters who are distracted while they are trying to protect all of us, and busting their asses battling a dangerous wildfire . When caught and convicted, they deserve the maximum penalty allowed under the law.
Thanks and a tip of the hat go out to Kelly. Typos or errors, report them HERE.
The Milepost 97 Fire just south of Canyonville, Oregon grew incrementally Saturday, expanding by an average of less than a quarter mile on all sides, but added 2,131 acres to bring the total to 11,009 acres. It spotted across to the east side of Interstate 5 near Turkey Creek at Milepost 94 four miles south of Canyonville. Firefighters on the ground and in the air worked to contain the spot fire. (see the map below)
The fire is burning within a fire scar from 1987 filled with hazardous snags and overgrown brush.
3-D map showing the location of the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon at 9:45 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019 (the red line). The white line was the perimeter 22 hours before.
A total of 931 personnel are assigned to the fire, including 37 hand crews and 41 engines.
Most of the fire perimeter saw additional growth Saturday during moderate weather conditions except for an area where it bumped into Interstate 5. If this fire suppression capability continues, and especially if the weather worsens, it could lead to the fire becoming very large with a prolonged suppression campaign.
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Milepost 97 Fire, including the most current, click here.)
Map showing the location of the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon at 9:45 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019.
(UPDATED at 4:17 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019)
Satellite photo of smoke from the Milepost 97 Fire in Southwest Oregon, Saturday afternoon, July 27, 2019.
Some lowlife stole a trailer and its contents from firefighters that were working on the Milepost 97 Fire near Canyonville, Oregon Friday night. More information.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has Level 2 “GET SET” evacuation notices for all residences on the west side of Interstate 5 between mileposts 88 and 83. This includes:
Barton Road
Azalea-Glen Road
Old Booth Lane
Harrel Lane
Hobbs Lane
Fortune Branch Road on the Azalea-Glen side
Forrest Road
Realty Road
Quines Creek Road
Mobley Drive
Additionally, all residences off Upper Cow Creek Road starting at Interstate 5 milepost 88, east to the base of Galesville Dam are being elevated to a Level 2.
Level 2 or “Get Set” means significant danger and you are encouraged to leave. If you decide to stay, be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice.
(Originally published at 8:49 a.m. PDT July 27, 2019)
The Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon has spread south 6.5 miles since it started just south of Canyonville Wednesday night. A mapping flight at 11:30 p.m. PDT Friday found that it had reached to within 2 miles of Azalea and 7 miles northeast of Glendale. It has burned over 8,800 acres. (a map is below)
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Milepost 97 Fire, including the most current, click here.)
So far the fire has paralleled Interstate 5 on the west side of the freeway, which has remained open. However the southbound off-ramp at Exit 95 (Canyon Creek) three miles south of Canyonville was closed Friday night.
3-D map showing the location of the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon at 11:30 p.m. PDT July 26, 2019.
On Thursday the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office issued a Level 3 “Go” evacuation order for approximately three residences in the 100 to 300 blocks of Ritchie Road. On Friday the office announced a Level 1 “Ready” evacuation notice for all residences on the west side of Interstate 5 between mileposts 88-83. Level 1 “Ready” means be ready for the potential to evacuate and as always, have a “go kit” ready.
The Milepost 97 Fire is burning through a mixture of private industrial timberlands, Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands Managed by the Bureau of Land Management, and areas held in trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Cow Creek Tribe.
Both ground and aviation resources are currently engaged in fully suppressing the fire with seven helicopters, two large air tankers, and two single engine air tankers supporting firefighters on the ground.
The Oregon Department of Forestry’s Incident Management Team 3 assumed command of the fire at 6 p.m. Friday. The Incident Command Post is in Tri-City near Pruner Road and Industrial Way.
Map showing the location of the Milepost 97 Fire in southwest Oregon at 11:30 p.m. PDT July 26, 2019.
Smoke from the Milepost 97 Fire has spread through southern Oregon and northern California. Some of the cities in Oregon affected are Grants Pass, Medford, and Ashland. And in California, Yreka, Weed, Mt. Shasta, and Redding.
Map from Purple Air showing air quality at locations in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Cities and states identified in black by Wildfire Today.
Below is an updated forecast for the distribution of smoke from the Milepost 97 Fire in Southwest Oregon. One difference from the previous version further down in this article is that not only is it proceeding further south approaching the San Francisco Bay Area, but some of the smoke will be spreading into southern Idaho. The forecast is for 6 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019.
The forecast for the distribution of wildfire smoke at 6 p.m. PDT July 27, 2019. Click to enlarge.
(Originally published at 7:15 a.m. PDT July 27, 2019)
Map from Purple Air showing air quality at locations in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Cities and states identified in black by Wildfire Today.
Smoke from the 8,878-acre Milepost 97 fire near Canyonville, Oregon is affecting the air quality in Southern Oregon and Northern California.
Some of the cities in Oregon affected are Grants Pass, Medford, and Ashland. And in California, Yreka, Weed, Mt. Shasta, and Redding.
California and Southern Oregon air quality at 6 a.m. PDT July 27, 2019, by AirNow.Forecast for the distribution of smoke from wildfires at 10 a.m. PDT July 27, 2019.
(Originally published at 1:09 p.m. PDT July 26, 2019)
3-D map of the Milepost 97 Fire south of Canyonville, OR at 7:30 p.m. PT July 25, 2019. Looking northwest.
The Milepost 97 fire in southwest Oregon burned actively Thursday and Thursday night growing to 1,650 acres. The fire is one mile south of Canyonville on the west side of Interstate 5. (see map above)
It was reported Wednesday, July 24 at approximately 10:00 p.m. and is burning in steep, rocky terrain with limited access. Most of the fire is within an old fire scar from 1987. A preliminary investigation indicates it was started by a campfire.
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Milepost 97 Fire, including the most current, click here.)
The area is managed by the Douglas Forest Protective Association.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office issued a Level 3 “Go” evacuation order at 7:20 Thursday night, which applied to approximately three residences in the 100 to 300 blocks of Ritchie Road.
Map of the Milepost 97 Fire south of Canyonville, OR at 7:30 p.m. PT July 25, 2019.
The Oregon Department of Forestry Incident Management Team 3 (Incident Commander Smith) has been mobilized to assist the Douglas Forest Protective Association. The team is scheduled to assume command of the fire Friday evening.
Milepost 97 Fire. Photo by Douglas Forest Protective Association.
Flames from the Milepost 97 Fire light up a ridge behind the six-story Forest Glen Senior Redisence tonight in Canyonville. #Milepost97Fire