Miss South Dakota for 2015

Autumn Simunek
Autumn Simunek, a few hours before she was selected to become Miss South Dakota for 2015. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

Every year since the contest has existed the competition for Miss South Dakota, a step toward the Miss America pageant, has been held in Hot Springs, South Dakota. One of the final events in the local program is a parade through the streets of the town. Several times I have used it as an opportunity to practice my photography skills, shooting images of moving targets with a telephoto lens.

Yesterday, June 20, I again used it as training, and took pictures of all of the 16 contestants as they passed by in open-top convertibles. I did not attend the contest Saturday night, but found out Sunday morning a local lady, Autumn Simunek, became our Miss South Dakota.

Miss Simunek also won the preliminary talent award Thursday night, performing the classic pop vocal “Hallelujah.” The 22-year-old is a senior at the University of South Dakota.

It’s funny — the Miss South Dakota contestants totally understood the importance of smile-your-ass-off, but the youngsters in the “Little Sister” category did not get the memo.

The driver of Miss Simunek’s car stopped in front of me when she saw I was taking photos with what appeared to be high-end gear. So I shot a bunch of the contestant, then lowered the camera and gave them a thumbs up. Then they continued in the parade. That was the only car to stop for photos in my area.

Here are a couple of shots of Miss Simunek, and then a few other ladies, followed by a little fire truck porn.

Autumn Simunek
Autumn Simunek. Photo by Bill Gabbert
Rachel Evangelisto
Rachel Evangelisto. Photo by Bill Gabbert.
Julia Olson
Julia Olson was the first runner up in the contest that night. Photo by Bill Gabbert.
Carly Goodhart
Carly Goodhart. Photo by Bill Gabbert.
Stephanie Fischer
Stephanie Fischer. Photo by Bill Gabbert.
Hot Springs Fire Department engines
Engines from the Hot Springs Fire Department. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

Photos from the 2010 Miss South Dakota parade.

Miss South Dakota parade

The Miss South Dakota Pagent, an official preliminary to the Miss America pagent, has always been held in Hot Springs, South Dakota. On the day of the final competition the city puts on a parade featuring the contestants. The local fire department takes the opportunity to show off their hardware, while I take the opportunity to practice using my rather complicated SLR camera. The camera has so many settings, buttons, and dials that if I don’t use it on a regular basis, I will lose my currency and have to start my task book all over again.

Here are a few shots I took today at the parade. Most of them were taken in a staging area, without many spectators.

Miss South Dakota
The 2009 Miss South Dakota, Morgan Peck
Miss South Dakota
Kelly Wismer, Miss Devil’s Gulch (got second runner-up)
Miss South Dakota
Anne Virginia Koepp, Miss South Dakota State University (got third runner-up)
Miss South Dakota
Valerie Menning, Miss University of South Dakota (got fourth runner-up)
Hot Springs, SD fire department
Hot Springs Fire Department
Hot Springs, SD fire department
Hot Springs fire department

UPDATE @ 11:00 p.m., June 19

The results are in and Loren Vaillancourt won. She is Miss South Dakota for 2010 and will represent the state in the Miss America pagent. Here is a photo of her in the parade.

Miss South Dakota, 2010
Loren Vaillancourt won the Miss South Dakota pagent, June 19, 2010