Lead by Example Award: Bud Moore

The Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award has been given posthumously to William R. “Bud” Moore, who passed away in November. Mr. Moore retired in 1974 as the Director of Fire and Aviation for the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Region. On November 30, 2011, Wildfire Today posted excerpts from article about his career that ran in Smithsonian Magazine, including the fact that he helped to develop one of the first prescribed natural fire programs in 1972.

Last month, another Lead by Example award was given to a group of personnel on the Black Hills National Forest.

The document below was prepared by Bill Miller of the USFS’ Missoula Smokejumper Program.


Bud MooreWilliam R. “Bud” Moore ventured on to what he considered “The Big Trip” in November of 2010.  During his time here with us, Bud exemplified the concepts of Service and Leadership.  Officially, Bud served his nation for over 40 years, starting with U.S. Forest Service as smokechaser and forest guard on the Powell Ranger District 1934, and Retiring as the Director of Fire and Aviation for the USFS’ Northern Region in 1974.  Bud spent three of those years serving in the 1st Marine Division during World War II in the South Pacific Campaigns, and attained the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.

Upon his return to the states, and the U.S. Forest Service, Bud quickly jumped back into a life of dedication to the land he loved so much, and to the people that worked it.  When he rejoined the USFS, Bud spent time as a Fire Control Aide, and a Forest Ranger on the Powell Ranger District of the Clearwater NF, where he made a home for Wag Dodge following the devastating fire in Mann Gulch, 1949. Bud then went on to become a Staff Forester and in 1959 was promoted to Safety & Training Officer of the Intermountain Region, where he was Instrumental in the development and the implementation of the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders and the original 13 Watchout Situations.

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Paul Gleason Lead by Example award given to group on Black Hills National Forest

This year one group and three individuals received “Paul Gleason Lead by Example” awards. We will be posting information in the coming days about the three individuals, but congratulations to Black Hills National Forest’s North Zone Fire Management for earning a group award. The Black Hills NF is in South Dakota and Wyoming.


Black Hills NF North Zone Fire Management
Black Hills NF North Zone Fire Management. Click to see larger version. USFS photo

Back Row L-R: (Brian Rafferty, Dennis Mauch, Ben Dempsey, Shane Phillips, Tim Haas, Chris Zoller, Brandon Selk, Robert Cota, Scott Wheeler, Adam Ziegler, Bryan Karchut, Don Doten, Angela Mendoza, Andrew Hostad, Rochelle Plocek, Craig Bobzien (Forest Supervisor), Steve Kozel (Bearlodge District Ranger)

Front Row L-R: Rhonda O’Byrne (Northern Hills District Ranger), Trevor Papenfuss, Jeff Gies, Chris Huhnerkoch, Andrew Larive, Clint Sell, John Snyder, Chip Harris, Randy Skelton.

Here is the text of a letter that the NWCG Operations and Workforce Development Committee, Leadership Subcommittee, sent on February 1, 2011 to each individual in the group:

Congratulations, your team has been selected as one of the recipients for the 2010 Paul Gleason Lead by Example award. This year three individuals and one group from across the wildland fire service have been chosen to receive this national award.

The award was created by the NWCG Leadership Subcommittee to remember Paul Gleason’s contributions to the wildland fire service. During a career that spanned five decades, Paul was a dedicated student of fire, a teacher of fire, and a leader of firefighters. The intent of this award is to recognize individuals or groups who exhibit this same spirit and who exemplify the wildland fire leadership values and principles. Your work in support of the Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program has been a demonstration of mentoring and teamwork.

North Zone Fire Management employees have risen to the challenge of building leadership—not only within their own organization but also throughout the wildland fire service as a whole. In 2010, the crew came together to create 10 lesson plans for the Leadership in Cinema program that showcase leadership lessons found in the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers. Members of the crew were also instrumental in revitalizing the briefing and intent tool in the Leadership Toolbox. Thinking beyond themselves, the crew attempted to raise more than $10,000 for the Wildland Firefighter Foundation through various fundraisers. North Zone Fire’s efforts through mentoring, teamwork, and giving of selves are examples of duty, respect, and integrity.

Again, congratulations on your accomplishments. You have provided an example for others to follow.


Jim Cook, Chairman

NWCG Leadership Committee

Congratulations to North Zone Fire Management!