Mice guilty of arson but cleared of manslaugher

mouseAt first it appeared that a fire caused by mice chewing a refrigerator’s power cord were responsible for the death of Linda Wyatt, 55, who was found badly burned and dead, slumped against the appliance in her home in London, England. But an autopsy revealed that Ms. Wyatt’s airway showed no evidence of the inhalation of fire products. The coroner found that she died of coronary artery disease, and may have collapsed and passed away after discovering the blaze. The fire was most likely a coincidence, or at worst a contributing factor. So for now, the mice are off the hook.

More details about the fatality are at Court News UK.

We are adding this incident to our Animal Arson series.

Vegetation fire in the UK destroys 5,000…..

I was reading a story online about a vegetation fire in Scotland that destroyed 5,000… and I was thinking… ACRES? In Scotland? But no, it destroyed 5,000 small trees on 10 acres. The fire occurred a year ago on land managed by the Woodland Trust, the story said, but recently six small fires have been started intentionally in the Carnmoney Hill area northeast of Belfast.

“No doubt those starting the fires consider it some sort of joke. The grim reality is that they’re actually putting people’s lives, including their own, at risk,” said Gregor Fulton, Woodland Officer with the Trust.

“A forest fire can cause total devastation to nature, resulting in the loss of trees, plants and animals. We’re appealing to those responsible to stop and think about the consequences of their actions,” he added.

Photo and quote courtesy of the Newton Abbey Times.