The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center put together the following information about serious incidents and fatalities that occurred while taking the Work Capacity Test, or Pack Test. Many agencies involved in wildland fire in the United States are required to administer the test to employees who respond to wildfires. There are three levels depending on the amount of physical activity required for the job. On-the-line firefighters are required to take the Arduous Level, known as the Pack Test, carrying 45 pounds for three miles in less than 45 minutes.
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Additional information is available in .pdf downloads about the following Pack Test incidents:
- Deschutes NF Work Capacity Test Incident (2015)
- New Mexico Pack Test Rhabdomyloysis (2019)
- Big Cypress Pack Test Rhabdomyloysis (2015)
- Cloquet, Minnesota Pack Test aortic aneurysm (2015)
In 2019 we conducted a poll about the Pack Test.
Do you think the Pack Test version of the Work Capacity Test required for many wildland firefighters in the United States adequately measures the capacity of a person to work as a wildland firefighter? (the test is carrying 45 pounds for 3 miles in 45 minutes)
— Wildfire Today ? (@wildfiretoday) November 11, 2019
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