Publication: Effects of fire on Cultural Resources

Effects of Fire on Archeology

Effects of Fire on ArcheologyThe Joint Fire Science Program announced that a new publication is available — Effects of Fire on Cultural Resources and Archaeology:

  • A guide to fuels, fire behavior, and fire effects to inform decision-making when protecting cultural resources (CR) during fuels treatment, restoration projects, and wildfire suppression.
  • Provides a greater understanding of the value of CR protection and the methods available to evaluate and mitigate risks.
  • A synthesis of fire effects is provided for ceramics, lithics, rock art, historic-period artifacts/materials, and below-ground features.
  • Emphasizes the need to actively involve native people in the development of collaborative management plans.

You can download the publication HERE, but it is a huge 23.2 MB file — you’ll have time to go out to lunch while waiting for it. Or you can call 970-498-1392 to request a hard copy. This is the final installment in the Rainbow Series. The other publications in the series are listed below, and can be downloaded here.

Rainbow Series publications wildfire

Thanks go out to Dick

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.