Former hotshot and smokejumper gives TEDx talk about resilience after very serious accident

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Lane Lamoreaux tells his story

Lane Lamoreaux TEDx
Lane Lamoreaux at his TEDx talk at Big Sky, Montana January 30, 2021.

Last weekend at Big Sky, Montana a former hotshot and smokejumper gave a TEDx talk about his recipe for resilience in coming back from a life-threatening injury. In 2013 while paragliding in Southern California Lane Lamoreaux hit the ground very hard, shattering several bones and causing injuries that kept him in a coma for nine weeks. He is the subject of a documentary due out this fall.

His portion of the TEDx program begins at 1:20:00. The video should begin at that point.

After recovering from his injuries he worked at the National Interagency Fire Center making training videos, including some on the subject of Short Haul. He has also posted numerous videos on his personal account at YouTube.

Thanks and a tip of the hat go out to Rick.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

2 thoughts on “Former hotshot and smokejumper gives TEDx talk about resilience after very serious accident”

    1. Lane, someday you’ll know it’s time to say “Goodbye” … just not yet.I’m glad you’re still around and learning, growing, Living. I too have been through post traumatic/surgical psychosis. It’s very Real, isn’t it? Remember four things. #1. It ain’t over ’til it’s over. #2. You’ve got to play the last quarter of the game. And #3, it’s never an exclusive club. Your audience, whoever and wherever they are, are, like you, “in the midst of Life.” #4. Some of them, too, need to be wrapped in that great and ancient coat called courage … the courage they did not have before. That’s the meaning of the word … En-Courage. Now, SIC’EM!
      (Your experience has en-couraged us too. When one of us wins, we all win. Thank You!)


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