Free online tactical training for firefighters

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Four wildland modules are available

NYU Fire Research Training
NYU Fire Research Training

In the current pandemic, in-person training is challenging for fire departments. With support from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, New York University collaborated with several fire departments to develop a web-based, interactive firefighter training program – ALIVE (Advanced Learning through Integrated Visual Environments). The system simulates critical decision-making aspects of firefighting and reinforces safety concepts developed by leading industry researchers though interactive tactical scenarios.

This interactive training is now free for Firefighters.

In addition to modules for Fire Dynamics, Residential Fires, Fires in Lightweight Residential Construction, and Wind-driven High-Rise Fires, there are also modules for Wildland fires, including:

  • Wildland Fire Behavior and Size-up,
  • Wildland Incident Action Plan and Operational Briefing,
  • Wildland Fire Scenarios, and
  • Wildland Urban Interface Structure Defense.

You can either take the courses online from a computer, or the modules can be downloaded individually onto a smart phone or tablet.

Firefighters can access the training at: . The page has links to download the modules onto a smart phone, which can also be found on Google Play and the Apple App Store by searching for, Alive: wildland.

Fire departments interested in offering ALIVE training to their members can register by emailing the NYU Fire Research Group at More information is available at

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.