Live mortar round found by prescribed fire crew

mortar round
A mortar round similar to this one was found by prescribed fire crews on Friday.

A live mortar round was found by Department of Transportation workers conducting a prescribed fire along Highway 50 in Silver Springs, Nevada (map) on Friday, March 19. A spokesman for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department said the eight-inch mortar round, similar to rounds used for training in the military, was found a quarter-mile from the Highway 95 Alternate intersection. The highway was closed for 90 minutes while an Explosive Ordinance and Disposal Unit from Fallon Naval Air Station disposed of the device.

The obvious question is… (you’re thinking: why was there a mortar round by the highway in Silver Springs, NV… wrong!) Why is there a Naval Air Station in the Nevada desert, 300 miles from the ocean?

Fallon Naval Air Station map

Thanks Barb

Oregon Governor Kulongoski appointed to Wildland fire Leadership Council

I was not aware until today that the Wildland Fire Leadership Council had a state governor as a member. Here is an excerpt from a news release issued today by the Western Governors’ Association.

DENVER — Gov. Ted Kulongoski (Ore.) has been appointed by the Obama Administration to represent the Western Governors’ Association on the national Wildland Fire Leadership Council, which coordinates and implements wildland fire and fuels policies, goals and management activities. The WFLC is an intergovernmental committee of federal, state, tribal, county and municipal officials and is considered a model for collaborative and effective leadership.

The mission of the WFLC, according to their web site is:

The Wildland Fire Leadership Council is an intergovernmental committee of Federal, State, tribal, county, and municipal government officials convened by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture dedicated to consistent implementation of wildland fire policies, goals, and management activities. The Council provides strategic oversight to ensure policy coordination, accountability, and effective implementation of Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and related long-term strategies to address wildfire suppression, assistance to communities, hazardous fuels reduction, habitat restoration, and rehabilitation of the Nation’s forests and rangelands.

Via FireNet

UPDATE AT 10:26 a.m. March 24:

I talked with someone who said that this is the first time a Governor has been a member of the WFLC.

Senate hearing about bark beetle legislation canceled because of anger over health care bill

Our hired help in Washington is implementing elementary school tactics to run our country.

From the Associated Press today:

DENVER (AP) _ U.S. Sen. Mark Udall and a Colorado state senator have gotten caught in the crossfire over health care. A hearing Tuesday on Udall’s bill to protect communities from bark beetles was canceled after Republicans angry over the passage of health insurance reform legislation blocked it by using an obscure Senate rule requiring a unanimous consent to hold hearings scheduled after 2 p.m.

If we give them the benefit of the doubt, they canceled the meeting because working past 2 p.m. would have been contrary to their preferred working hours, not because they threw a *hissy fit over the fact that some legislation was passed.

From Senator Udall’s office today:

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Today’s hearing on Senator Udall’s bark beetle legislation has been canceled due to Republican Obstruction

Washington, D.C. — Today’s scheduled hearing on Senator Mark Udall’s bill to protect communities from wildfire and falling trees as a result of bark beetle infestation has been canceled due to Republican obstructionism. Angry over the passage of health insurance reform legislation, Republican leaders are using an arcane rule, which requires the unanimous consent of Senators in both parties to agree to hearings scheduled after 2 p.m., and have objected to the bark beetle hearing and vowed not to cooperate with Democrats for the rest of the year.

“It is critical that this hearing go forward — especially with Senator Gibbs in Washington to explain how important this bipartisan bill is to Coloradans. Delay just prevents urgently needed resources from going to Colorado communities threatened by beetle-killed trees,” Senator Udall said. “I strongly urge my colleagues to re-think their strategy — this is a matter of public safety, and that’s too important for political gamesmanship.”

The bark beetle bill was introduced in November by U.S. Senators Mark Udall, D-CO, and James Risch, R-ID. Senator Risch is a graduate of  the University of Idaho’s School of Forestry.

*Hissy fit, from Urban Dictionary:

noun. A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial. Originally regional from American South. Thought to originate from contraction of “hysterical fit.”

California state senator introduces resolution for the USFS to “change management structure” has the full text of a resolution that was introduced into the California state Senate on February 18, 2010:

…to encourage a change in management structure in the United States Forest Service to coordinate decisionmaking authority over state project decisions inside the state…

Read the entire resolution over at RamblingChief.

An internal tank for military helicopters

Chinook internal water tank
Artist's depiction of a Ch-47 Chinook with an internal tank dropping on a fire.

A California man who owns two drag racing teams has designed and built some internal tanks for military helicopters. As we wrote on Wildfire Today on January 3 when discussing the tilt-rotor Osprey aircraft, the CH-46E Sea Knight and CH-53

CH-53 dropping on a fire
A CH-53 Super Stallion drops on a fire on Camp Pendleton in California, July, 2007.

Super Stallion helicopters operated by the Marine Corps have been used on fires in California since 2007 during periods when Cal Fire is unable to handle the fires with their own aerial assets. These helicopters transport water to the fire in an external bucket, but since buckets occasionally are accidentally released or otherwise fall from helicopters, there are restrictions on carrying the external loads over roads or populated areas. Internal tanks are considered to be more safe than external loads if there is a concern about dropping a 2,000-gallon tank on people.

Concerned about the external load safety issue, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Cal Fire, contacted Tom Jaroszek of Merced, California, who owns TMR Fabrications and two drag racing teams. Mr. Jaroszek agreed to design and build an internal tank for the CH-47 and CH-53 at no cost to Cal Fire with the understanding that the agency would then use them on an emergency rental agreement if needed for fire suppression.

Someone familiar with the internal tank who has no financial association with TMR Fabrications sent us the article below describing the project:


Continue reading “An internal tank for military helicopters”