Examples of catastrophic events on wildland fires that led to changes

Interviews with 13 people

Above: Heather Heward, one of 13 people interviewed, describes a catastrophic event on a wildland fire that led to a positive change.

Chief John Hawkins (@JhawkFire) of CAL FIRE/Riverside County wrote a tweet recently that mentioned the “Law of Catastrophic Reform”, meaning a positive change following a catastrophe on a fire. He gave examples including positive pressure breathing apparatus, fire shelters, keeping personal protective equipment clean, enclosed vehicle cabs, and moving sirens farther away from occupants in a vehicle.

While attending the Fire Continuum Conference in Missoula this week, I asked some of the attendees if they would describe a catastrophic event on a wildland fire that led to a significant change. The video has short (in most cases less than two minute) interviews with 13 people from several countries:

  • Tom Harbour
  • Dave Calkin
  • Tom Zimmerman
  • Tim Sexton
  • Domingos Viegas
  • Heather Heward
  • Marta Miralles
  • Mike Beasley
  • Russel Parsons
  • Chris Dicus
  • Shelia Murphy
  • Mike Norton, and
  • Colin Hardy

I really appreciate the 13 folks that contributed to this, who in some cases told a story of how they were personally affected.