Greenwood Fire burns nearly 26,000 acres in northeast Minnesota

Twenty miles northwest of Silver Bay

12:29 p.m. CDT August 26, 2021

Greenwood Fire, August 15, 2021 Minnesota
Greenwood Fire, August 15, 2021. US Forest Service photo.

The Greenwood Fire has burned nearly 26,000 acres in Northeast Minnesota in the 10 days since it started from a lightning strike August 15. The fire is 20 air miles northwest of Lake Superior and the community of Silver Bay.

The vegetation that is burning, brush and timber, has very low fuel moistures, similar to late fall conditions. The Energy Release Component which can help predict the intensity and rate of spread of a fire, is extremely high, between the 90th and 97th percentile.

Greenwood Fire
Greenwood Fire in northeast Minnesota, August 23, 2021.

On Wednesday the  fire was active in the southern portion. Firing operations were conducted along Highway 1 and the Jackpot Lake Road and along Highway 2 at the southwest end of the fire.

Greenwood Fire map Aug. 25, 2021
Greenwood Fire map Aug. 25, 2021

The priority Thursday is to hold and improve after Wednesday’s firing operations. With the support of air resources, engines, bulldozers, and other equipment crews will reduce the burnable natural fuels near homes and near the edge of the fire.

A total of 476 personnel are working on the fire, including cooperators and contractors.

The weather forecast for Thursday includes a 40 percent chance of rain in the afternoon which will be the beginning of a wet pattern that should persist until Sunday morning, bringing more than an inch of precipitation. This could mean photographs like these will not be possible for a while.

Greenwood Fire Minnesota
Greenwood Fire, defensive burn-out operation, August 22, 2021. InciWeb.

The Greenwood Fire and others were easily detected by the GOES-16 satellite: