Video of DC-10 air tanker on a fire in Australia

The description of this video calls it a “test drop on March 3, 2010”, but Tanker 911 appears to be dropping near a fire. It happened in the Enfield State Forest, near Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. It may be described as a test drop, because the use of the aircraft during their current summer fire season is considered a “trial” to determine how effective it would be down under.

I can’t get used to hearing jet engines while an air tanker is dropping.

And speaking of fire videos, here is a link to a YouTube slide show of “vegitation fire” photos. The pics are pretty good; the music is loud and annoying.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.