A massive fire at a coal mine at Morwell, Victoria in Australia is being fought with massive quantities of water and helicopters that are normally used for fighting bushfires. The fire, which has burning for three weeks, was most likely the result of a bushfire started by an arsonist. The town of Morwell, 150 km east of Melbourne, has been inundated with smoke and officials think it could take months to put out the fire.

Wildfire Today has numerous other articles about coal fires.
Thanks and a hat tip go out to Darren
There is interesting video and linescan footage taken from the helicopter at this site. It’s from 01 March.
Wow, the fellow in the interview did a good job, pretty sharp guy.
I do not envy the folks that have to deal with that fire. Coal fires are in a class by themselves. My cousin told me once of a large hill that blew up because of a coal fire. The cat skinners were taking the top of the hill off to expose the coal while high pressure water was injected into the hill. The top blew off and killed some folks. He said to never get a job fighting coal fires.