Some areas in southern California will be under a Red Flag Warning until 6 p.m. PST Wednesday for strong gusty winds and low humidities.
The winds today are expected to be northeast at 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 in the mountains and below the canyons and passes, increasing Monday night and Tuesday morning with gusts up to 60 mph. The relative humidities will be as low as five percent during the day with poor overnight recovery.
The low humidities will continue through Thanksgiving with locally gusty east winds in the mountains and valleys of Riverside and San Diego Counties.
Oh yeah, and the San Diego Tereros football team will be in Missoula on Saturday for an NCAA playoff game against the UM Griz – we expect a high temp of +21F. No Santa Anas in Montana this November.
It’s deja vu all over again! I remember leaving freezing-ass cold Eastern Oregon for SoCal in 1980 for late November fires; seems like we had Turkey loaf in fire camp with the Guv, Jerry Brown and his girl friend Linda Ronstadt – wait a minute, isn’t Jerry Brown the CA Guv in 2014 too?