They don’t make films like this anymore. It was part of the 1960’s television series “True Adventure” with host Bill Burrud. This episode features Chuck Hartley on the Angeles National Forest. Chuck went on to a long firefighting career in the U.S. Forest Service, much of it on the Angeles.
My favorite line is:
It’s a story of Chuck Hartley, a forest, and a fire. A combination that spells a life and death struggle as we’ll see, when we go out on the fireline to watch the death of a forest.
Did you notice any other interesting lines?
Chuck is well known and highly respected in the Wildland Fire community.
I think what happened, way back in the day, was Hollywood knocked on the FS door, Chuck got the call and Chuck did what he was told to do.
I hope this YouTube posting doesn’t cause Chuck any heartburn or overshadow his many career accomplishments.
Ah, the good old days. I met Chuck on a large fire somewhere on the San Bernardino I think (Dry Falls or Panorama?) A real inspiration to me in my early seasons. Thanks Chuck!
No sleep for Chuck Hartley tonight!
Chuck hired me in my first permanent position on the ANF He was inspirational to many fire leaders like Paul Gleason . Iam glad for brave men like Chuck……. Yes really