Residents of Australian town threatened by fire directed to go to the ocean

Firefighters are protecting 4,000 people at the beach near Mallacoota, Victoria

Map warning areas bushfires in Victoria
Map showing warning areas near bushfires in Victoria, Australia. The areas with a black line and grey fill are designated for evacuation. The red lines indicate “emergency warning”. The arrow points toward Mallacoota, Victoria. The width of the largest emergency warning area is approximately 204km (110 miles), east to west.  Map by Vic Emergency, Dec. 31, 2019 (local time)

According to numerous reports Tuesday morning local time, rapidly spreading bushfires in northeast Victoria are forcing residents and campers in the Mallacoota area to evacuate the town and take refuge on the coast. Approximately 4,000 to 5,000 people are hunkering down at the beach as a fire approaches the community.

Heavy smoke and huge pyrocumulus clouds created by the fires are putting Mallacoota in near darkness hours after the sun rose Tuesday, December 31.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is streaming live news.

Mallacoota Fire Mallacoota Fire Mallacoota Fire

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

2 thoughts on “Residents of Australian town threatened by fire directed to go to the ocean”

  1. We have planned to travel on Great Ocean Road in Feb. What are the fire conditions ? How is the air? Do you recommend it?
    Thanks Maureen

  2. Just the beginning. The world temperature rise is accelerating. Talk is just not air coming from between your lips. Gretta and the rest of the children understand. The world’s cheap talk and it’s money are just burning up.


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