A 49-year old man was taken into custody accused of setting ablaze the 50-foot Christmas tree outside Fox New’s headquarters in Midtown Manhattan early Wednesday morning.
From WABC:
Police say the 49-year-old suspect climbed up “the metal superstructure” — the tree is an artificial sculpture that is shaped to look like a tree — lit papers he brought with him on fire, and shoved the papers into the tree structure.
He then climbed down and watched from the street level as it burned, and he was spotted by building security who pointed the man out to police officers posted in nearby Rockefeller Center.
Reportedly the fire spread to some smaller decorated trees nearby, but without photographic verification, we can’t describe it as a crown fire.
I agree with the OLDGUY.
Maybe, if Fox News would have raked the ground around the Christmas Tree it wouldn’t have caught on fire. Haha!
I thought those were supposed to be fire resistant, looks like the real thing. Would like to see FDNY throw dirt!
Not really a tree either. Looked like branches on a metal frame.
Sad. Many homeless folks suffer from mental illness.
This is yet another example of what our country is coming to; we’re in a downhill slide if we all don’t start standing up for our country.
Bill: I know you won’t accept “political statements” and I don’t view my comment above as such and I have not mentioned any political party. I’m just “an old guy” who loves America.
Not every tree set afire is a political statement. Arsonists are not generally known as clear thinking humans. Check out the articles on Wildfire Today tagged “arson.”
For example, the Fawn Fire.