Australian prescribed fire exceeds expectations

Airey's Inlet fire
Photo: Geelong Advertiser

A prescribed fire in Victoria, Australia on Monday got a little larger than expected in Angahook Lorne State Park about 20 miles southeast of Geelong (map). Originally planned to be 1,074ha (2,654 acres), it jumped control lines within a few hours of ignition Monday evening and burned an additional 50ha (124 acres) before it was contained. “Erratic fire behaviour” was blamed for the bonus acres.

Photo: Geelong Advertiser

Firefighters worked through Monday night to corral the fire with the help of aircraft and 92 pieces of fire apparatus.

Climate change: beetles, fire, and aspen

There may be discussions about its cause, but there is overwhelming evidence that climate change is having a profound effect on the forests of the world. We don’t have the luxury of debate–it is here.

There may also be profound changes in how we fight fire, where the fires occur, the length of the fire seasons, and the number of personnel and dollars needed to suppress fires. Some of these changes in fire management are already occurring.

Here are some excerpts from an excellent article in the Guardian.

For many years, Diana Six, an entomologist at the University of Montana, planned her field season for the same two to three weeks in July. That’s when her quarry — tiny, black, mountain pine beetles — hatched from the tree they had just killed and swarmed to a new one to start their life cycle again.

Now, says Six, the field rules have changed. Instead of just two weeks, the beetles fly continually from May until October, attacking trees, burrowing in, and laying their eggs for half the year. And that’s not all. The beetles rarely attacked immature trees; now they do so all the time. What’s more, colder temperatures once kept the beetles away from high altitudes, yet now they swarm and kill trees on mountaintops. And in some high places where the beetles had a two-year life cycle because of cold temperatures, it’s decreased to one year.

Such shifts make it an exciting — and unsettling — time to be an entomologist. The growing swath of dead lodgepole and ponderosa pine forest is a grim omen, leaving Six — and many other scientists and residents in the West — concerned that as the climate continues to warm, these destructive changes will intensify.

Across western North America, from Mexico to Alaska, forest die-off is occurring on an extraordinary scale, unprecedented in at least the last century-and-a-half — and perhaps much longer. All told, the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the United States have seen nearly 70,000 square miles of forest — an area the size of Washington state — die since 2000. For the most part, this massive die-off is being caused by outbreaks of tree-killing insects, from the ips beetle in the Southwest that has killed pinyon pine, to the spruce beetle, fir beetle, and the major pest — the mountain pine beetle — that has hammered forests in the north.

These large-scale forest deaths from beetle infestations are likely a symptom of a bigger problem, according to scientists: warming temperatures and increased stress, due to a changing climate. Although western North America has been hardest hit by insect infestations, sizeable areas of forest in Australia, Russia, France, and other countries have experienced die-offs, most of which appears to have been caused by drought, high temperatures, or both.

One recent study collected reports of large-scale forest mortality from around the world. Often, forest death is patchy, and research is difficult because of the large areas involved. But the paper, recently published in Forest Ecology and Management, reported that in a 20,000-square-mile savanna in Australia, nearly a third of the trees were dead. In Russia, there was significant die-off within 9,400 square miles of forest. Much of Siberia has warmed by several degrees Fahrenheit in the past half-century, and hot, dry conditions have led to extreme wildfire seasons in eight of the last 10 years. Russian researchers also are concerned that warmer, dryer conditions will lead to increased outbreaks of the Siberian moth, which can destroy large swaths of Russia’s boreal forest.

While people in some places have the luxury to doubt whether climate change is real, it’s harder to be a doubter in the Rocky Mountains. Glaciers in Glacier National Park and elsewhere are shrinking, winters are warmer and shorter, and the intensity of forest fires is increasing. But the most obvious sign is the red and dead forests that carpet the hills and mountains. They have transformed life in many parts of the Rockies.

It is interesting that normal amounts of precipitation combined with warmer temperatures can translate into drought:

Continue reading “Climate change: beetles, fire, and aspen”

Woman killed on controlled burn in Kansas

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The Morning Sun
Posted Mar 15, 2010 @ 12:02 PM

ALTAMONT —A Fredonia woman was found dead after a field fire trapped her in rural Labette County Saturday.

According to Labette County Sheriff William Blundell, sheriff’s deputies were called at 2:19 p.m. Saturday to 852 1000 Road near Edna.

When deputies arrived, they found that numerous people had been conducting a controlled burn on a grassy field and that a woman had become trapped by the fire and died.

The victim was identified as Celia K. Harris, 64 of Fredonia, and was pronounced dead at the scene by the Labette County Deputy Coroner.

Blundell said in a release that Harris was attempting to assist in controlling the fire and became trapped between the fire and a fence row where she could not escape from the “flames and intense smoke.”

Her body has been sent to Topeka for an autopsy.

Our condolences to the family of Ms. Harris.

Air Attack 330, and a Skymaster story

Air Attack 330
Air Attack 330, an OV-10A, at Ramona, California, operated by Cal Fire. Photo: Cal Fire

I like this photo that was provided by Cal Fire in San Diego. It shows Air Attack 330 flying very low and dispensing smoke as if it were designating a target for a following air tanker. Either that, or he has a serious engine problem.

Cal Fire began acquiring OV-10A’s, or Broncos, in 1993 to replace their Cessna OV-2  Skymasters. The OV-10A’s can serve double-duty as both a platform for the Air Tactical Group Supervisor and as a Lead Plane.

Cessna Skymaster
Cessna Skymaster, OV-2

I flew in a Skymaster once, as a passenger from Santa Barbara to San Diego. The aircraft has two engines–one in the front and one in the rear–in a push/pull configuration.

I was working on a fire and had been flown from San Diego to Santa Barbara and needed a ride home after being released. The pilot walked right out of the pilot’s lounge and got directly into the aircraft. He didn’t bother with any pre-flight checks. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he may have done that earlier in the day.

Flying from Santa Barbara to San Diego in a straight line takes you over the Pacific Ocean. Not long after we reached our cruising altitude over the ocean the sound from the engines decreased suddenly and I realized that the rear engine had stopped. I saw some of the gauges on the instrument panel go down to zero.

The pilot said not to worry, that the Skymaster can sustain level flight on just one engine. But the altimeter I had my eyes glued to was showing that we were descending. As the pilot kept saying not to worry, he began turning to the left toward land, he was trying to restart the engine, and was looking through a Jeppesen Flight Guide for the closest airport. He was a busy guy as I sat there wondering if we could make it to a runway somewhere, anywhere. I was checking the altimeter every 1.5 seconds. It kept going down.

Finally the pilot got the rear engine started again, and we continued our merry way to San Diego. This time over land. We arrived safely at Gillespe Field where I kissed the ground after I got out of that damn Skymaster.

Charleston firefighters may face criminal negligence charges

Some of the Charleston, SC firefighters that were involved in the June 18, 2007 Sofa Super Store fire that killed nine firefighters may be charged with criminal negligence if the families of two of the firefighters who died in the fire have their way. Wildfire Today covered the report on the fire. While it was strictly a structure fire, we said then “there are some lessons to be learned that would apply to wildland fire”.

If these firefighters are charged with crimes, they would be in the same boat as wildland firefighters involved in the Thirtymile (2001) and Cramer (2003)  fires.

Here is an excerpt from an article at the Post and Courier about the situation in Charleston.

A team of State Law Enforcement Division agents is reviewing records from the Sofa Super Store blaze for signs of criminal negligence on the part of commanders who oversaw the attack on the inferno in which nine firemen died, authorities said.

Ninth Circuit Solicitor Scarlett Wilson requested the review after meeting with relatives of two firefighters who died in the June 18, 2007, inferno. Family members of captains Louis Mulkey and William Hutchinson gave Wilson eight binders of materials they say prove that commanders exposed fire crews to unnecessary and deadly risks with insufficient training and leadership.

“This is all about the truth,” said Randy Hutchinson, who lost his brother in the fire. “Wherever it goes, it goes. But the truth has to come out. It’s been withheld for too long.”

Wilson already has the results of an 18-month criminal investigation into the fire conducted by Charleston police. She received that case file in late 2008, but she has held off deciding on possible charges until all studies of the fire have been completed. One major federal study — a computer model to reconstruct the blaze — is said to be a few months from completion.

Previous reports have faulted the actions of commanders. A May 2008 report by a city-appointed panel of fire experts cited command failures as a predominant factor in the Fire Department’s unstructured and uncoordinated response to the blaze, which exposed firefighters to “excessive and avoidable risks.” The reports, however, haven’t touched on whether those actions rose to the level of criminality.

Randy Hutchinson, his mother and Mulkey’s parents are pushing for SLED to officially reopen the criminal investigation and conduct an independent inquiry into the actions of former Fire Chief Rusty Thomas and others. They contend that Charleston police have an inherent conflict of interest in the matter and they have little faith that police investigators even considered negligence by officials at their sister agency.

“I don’t believe the Charleston Police Department is competent enough to investigate the Charleston Fire Department,” said Mike Mulkey, whose son died in the fire. “A police officer is not trained to fight fires or know what to do inside a burning building. This is a like a fox in the henhouse. It’s totally inappropriate.”

City officials deny a conflict, and Police Chief Greg Mullen insists his department conducted a thorough investigation that explored every angle.

Make sure your professional liability insurance is paid up.

Wind “fuels” a fire?

Am I the only one that is bothered when they see this in a media report, which was found at WFTV in Florida?

Strong winds are helping fuel the fire.

As every firefighter knows, and some people might still remember from 9th grade General Science, three things are needed in order to have combustion.

Saying “wind fuels the fire” is saying oxygen is the fuel.