Man says group started the “Old” fire because they were too stoned to rob his godfather

Old fire
Old fire

Rickie Lee Fowler, 28, has admitted to being with a group of men who threw a lit highway flare into some vegetation which started the Old fire on October 25, 2003 in southern California. The fire burned for nine days, charred 91,000 acres, destroyed 1,003 homes, and is linked to six deaths.

In some recently released transcripts, it was revealed that Mr. Fowler has said he and three men in a van had intended to rob John Aylward, a person he identified as his godfather, but realized they were too drunk or stoned to pull it off. Instead, they decided to start a fire, as one person testified before a grand jury, “to burn John’s house down”.

In an interview with investigators, Mr. Fowler said he struck the flare and threw it into the vegetation, but corrected himself and said one of the other men in the van struck the flare. In a later interview, he said he intended to strike and throw the flare, but Martin Valdez Jr. took it from him, struck it, and threw it into the brush. This latest revelation from Mr. Fowler came after Valdez Jr. had been shot and killed in Muscoy.

In October, a grand jury returned an indictment of five counts of murder and two counts of arson. Mr. Fowler has pleaded not guilty.

UPDATE December 24 @ 12:31:

Mr. Fowler could be sentenced to death since there were six fatalities associated with the fire. The San Bernardino Sun has the details from the grand jury testimony about those fatalities HERE.

Neptune Aviation gives $22,000 to homeless shelter

Neptune Aviation Services, based in Missoula, Montana, has been supplying P2V air tankers to the wildland fire community for 17 years. Despite having lost two air tankers and six of their employees in crashes over a 7-month period in 2008 and 2009, they still think of others and routinely donate to charities.

This year is no exception. The company has given $22,000 to the Poverello Center in Missoula, an organization that provides “food, shelter, help, and hope” for the homeless and at-risk families and children.

Here is an excerpt from an article by Jamie Kelly in the Missoulian:


Each month, Ellie Hill opens up the Pov’s NorthWestern Energy bill like everyone else in Missoula, but it’s a good bet that the check she writes is bigger than yours.

Those 12 heating bills this year added up to $22,000.

Poverello Center, Ryman St. facility
Poverello Center, Ryman St. facility

That is a large stack of money, especially during a recession, for an agency that relies heavily on donations. In last Saturday’s Missoulian, Hill mentioned the Pov’s need in the newspaper’s “We Care” column.

Neptune Aviation saw it. And got out the checkbook. And made out the check for $22,000.

“This donation literally comes at no better time for the Pov,” said Hill, who was taken aback by the gesture. “As you know, with the economic crisis, the demand on our services is totally unprecedented, but financial contributions are down.”

The board of Neptune Aviation, which annually gives thousands to local charities, quickly agreed that the Poverello

Center’s need would be fulfilled.

“We’re just so touched by this community and what they’ve done for us personally and professionally,” said Neptune president Kristen Nicolarsen.

The donation is being made in memory of Nicolarsen’s mother, Jo Rainbolt, who died three years ago and all her life “never turned anyone away,” said Nicolarsen.

Rainbolt, a former Missoulian reporter, was also a philanthropist, artist and lover of nature.

It has not been the easiest year for Neptune Aviation. Last April, Neptune, which employs around 90 people, lost three of its crew members in a plane crash in Utah. Seven months earlier, three others were killed in a crash in Nevada.

Neptune provides air tankers to battle wildfires across the nation.

Four years ago, the federal government grounded Neptune planes, and it was the Missoula community and Montana’s congressional delegation who came to the company’s defense.

“The community is the reason we’re still here,” said Nicolarsen. “We feel like we can’t do enough for this state and especially this community.”

“Their generosity epitomized the spirit of Christmas,” said Hill. “It’ll keep the heat and the lights on for the elderly, poor and out-of-work families, and the homeless.”

Thanks Dick

L.A. Times documents delays in the use of aircraft on the Station fire

The Los Angeles Times is continuing to investigate some of the decisions that were made during the first 48 hours of the 160,000-acre Station fire that started on August 26 near Los Angeles and burned much of the Angeles National Forest.

Here is an excerpt from an article they posted today, which includes quotes from Don Feser, the Angeles National Forest Fire Management Officer who retired in 2007.


Newly released records contradict a finding by the U.S. Forest Service that steep terrain prevented the agency from using aircraft to attack — and potentially contain — the Station fire just before it began raging out of control.

Station fire
Station fire. Photo from the Station Fire Facebook page

Experts on Forest Service tactics also dispute the agency’s conclusion that helicopters and tanker planes would have been ineffective because the canyon in the Angeles National Forest was too treacherous for ground crews to take advantage of aerial water dumps.

Two officers who helped direct the fight on the ground and from the sky made separate requests for choppers and tankers during a critical period on the deadly fire’s second day, according to records and interviews.

At 12:49 a.m. on Aug. 27, Forest Service dispatch logs show, a division chief made this call for aircraft:

“Fire has spotted below the road, about five acres. Order one helitanker, three airtankers, any type. . . . Have them over the fire by 0700 hours.”

But the airtankers were canceled and the helitanker was significantly delayed, according to dispatch logs, deployment reports and interviews. The Times obtained the logs, reports and volumes of other documents through the federal Freedom of Information Act.

Records of the Day 2 battle do not cite the sheerness of the canyon above La Cañada Flintridge as a reason for withholding the aircraft, which firefighters who were at the scene say might have stopped the blaze from erupting into the disaster that it became. The fire was the largest in Los Angeles County history, killing two firefighters, destroying about 90 dwellings and charring 250 square miles in one of America’s most-visited national forests.

Last month, a Forest Service review endorsed the decision to not send the helicopter and planes but failed to mention the officers’ independent calls, made more than six hours apart, for a heavy air assault.

“It just irks me to see . . . that they’re blaming the terrain for why no action was taken,” said Don Feser, a former fire chief for the forest who retired in 2007. “They’re just making excuses.”

“I’ve covered a lot of that ground, and there is only a small percentage of land that is too steep to put firefighters on,” said Feser, who worked in the Angeles National Forest for 26 years, the last seven as fire chief. “And if we can’t put firefighters on it, guess what we do? We use aircraft.”

An officer who took part in the Day 2 operation said the absence of ground crews in the canyon did not keep commanders from using aircraft to bombard the area later in the fight. “We ran helicopters down there all day,” he said.

Choppers and tankers just after sunup, he said, could have slowed the flames’ march through the canyon, doused the surrounding ridges and given ground crews a much better chance of knocking the blaze down along Angeles Crest Highway, a crucial defense line.

“You could have made a stand,” said the officer, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.