Clover fire map

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Here is a map of the Clover fire on the Sequoia and now Inyo National Forests in California showing the heat detected by satellites last night in red, orange, and black. The yellow line is the last perimeter uploaded by the incident management team a few days ago. It appears that is was less active yesterday than it was the day before when it made the big run towards Hwy. 395. It has burned 13,049 acres and is 10% contained. A second incident management team has been ordered to manage the portion of the fire on the east side of the Sierra crest.

Clover fire, while still a WFU

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I came across a map, above, of the Clover fire on the Sequoia National Forest, while it was still a Wildland Fire Use (WFU) fire on June 18. On the north and west sides, it was mostly hemmed in by previous fires that burned 2-4 years previously. On the east and southeast sides was an old 64-year old burn, and there was no fire history on the southwest side. The black line east of the fire is the Kern River.

Yesterday the fire crossed the Kern River, crested the Sierras, and burned east toward Hwy. 395

Paradise threatened again

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The city of Paradise, California, east of Chico, was hammered by the Humboldt fire a week ago, losing 66 residences when the fire burned into the city. Now another fire, this time east of the city, the BTU Complex, is approaching from the other side. Spot fires are occurring close to Paradise.

But another community, Concow, is in even worse shape because of this fire, and the entire town will have to be evacuated. The Incident Commander placed an immediate need order for 25 strike teams of engines… 125 engines.

Here is a map showing the fires near Concow and Paradise as of last night. Click on it to see a larger version.

Don't visit the Lessons Learned Center's or IMT's web sites

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At least until they rebuild the web sites. Here is an email from Dave Christenson, Assistant Manager at the LLC:

Hello LLC customers,

Our websites have been hacked and redirected to other sites that install a virus code that injects code into our sites and those who come to our sites. This has happened to over 510,000 other websites over the weekend. We can expect to hear from many of our customers concerned about their computers becoming infected with this virus.

We want to help them all by directing them to the link below and advising them to get with their IT folks in order to ensure that they have their sites and computers cleared of the virus code.

Best regards,

There is also a report on that the federal Incident Management Teams web site will install a virus on your computer. This is a hellofa thing to do, sabotage federal fire web sites, when we have the Siege of ’08 just getting started. I hope they find and punish the a_holes that are responsible..

Incident Emergency Medical Task Group

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According to an email from NWCG’s Safety and Health Working Team:

We are pleased to formally announce the creation of the new Incident Emergency Medical Task Group (IEMTG) which has been created under the direction of the NWCG-Safety and Health Working Team. The IEMTG will continue on-going efforts to assist the NWCG and it’s represented agencies in dealing with the complex issues surrounding incident medical and occupational health services.

More information is on their web site.

Dick, thanks for the tip.