Redding Hotshots involved in vehicle crash with multiple injuries

The crew is based in Redding, California

(UPDATED at 11:02 a.m. PDT May 1, 2019)

Stanton Florea, a spokesperson for the U.S.  Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region, confirmed that a total of 10 crewmembers on the Redding Interagency Hotshots were injured in the crash of their crew carrier yesterday, April 30.  At least one was transported from the scene by helicopter. Two crewmembers are still in the hospital.

The crew was engaged in chain saw training away from their base in Redding, and was en route back when the accident occurred.

(UPDATED at 7:27 a.m. PDT May 1, 2019)

Redding Hotshots' Crew Carrier
The Redding Hotshots’ Crew Carrier. Screengrab from @KRCR Photog.

We will update this article as more of the details become available.

Redding Hotshots

The Redding Hotshots differ from the typical Hotshot Crew in that firefighters are detailed to the crew from other units. It is a Regional resource rather than being tied to a specific National Forest or Park like other Type 1 crews. In addition they receive a concentrated fire management training opportunity through supervising a squad of 3-7 crewmembers during fire suppression, prescribed fire and other emergency incidents.

(Originally published at 8:05 p.m. PDT April 30, 2019)

The Shasta County News Source is reporting that a vehicle carrying members of the U.S. Forest Service Redding Hotshots was involved in a two-vehicle accident in Burney, California, which is about 56 miles northeast of the crew’s base in Redding.

The report has numerous details which may have been gathered from monitored radio conversations.

The Incident Commander reported the crew carrier was off the road and on its side, and immediately declared it to be a Mass Casualty incident.

Two or possibly three of the injured were flown to hospitals, and approximately eight or nine others with minor injuries were transported in ground vehicles. It is believed that a person in the other vehicle, a Lexus, is included in the numbers.

The accident was reported at about 5:12 p.m. Tuesday April 30.

The details may change as the story evolves. We will update this article as more details emerge.

(Click here for an update on the accident.)

Thanks and a tip of the hat go out to Tom. Typos or errors, report them HERE.

Arkansas firefighter who had heart attack while responding, passes away

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Michael Watkins
Michael Watkins. Northeast Lakeside FD photo.

The U.S. Fire Administration has received notice of a firefighter fatality:

Michael Watkins
Northeast Lakeside Fire Department
Mountain Home, Arkansas

On April 21, 2019, Driver/Engineer Michael Watkins was responding to a brush fire when he suffered a heart attack. He was immediately taken to the hospital where he passed away on April 24, 2019 at the age of 75. He had been a firefighter for 5 years.

A celebration of Mr. Watkins’ life will be held May 4 at First United Methodist Church, 605 W 6th St, Mountain Home, Arkansas.

Our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends, and co-workers.

Pete Barry wins Lead by Example Award

Peter Barry
Colorado State Forester Mike Lester, right, presents the Lead by Example Award to Pete Barry. CSFS photo.

Pete Barry of the Colorado State Forest Service has been selected as one of the recipients for the 2018 Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award.

The award was created by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group Leadership Committee to remember Paul Gleason’s contributions to the wildland fire service. During a career spanning five decades, Paul was a dedicated student of fire, a teacher of fire, and a leader of firefighters. The intent of this award is to recognize individuals or groups who exhibit this same spirit and who exemplify the wildland fire leadership values and principles. Pete’s work in support of the Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program has been a demonstration of mentoring and teamwork.

Pete was recognized for his involvement and mentorship of the student of fire initiative at Colorado State University. Pete’s efforts to advance Paul’s vision that firefighters realize the importance of being a student of fire are commendable. Creation and continued support of the CSU Student Firefighter Association, securing lasting funding for the Paul Gleason Scholarship, as well as connecting students studying wildfire science with land management agencies and fire departments directly aligns with that vision. Pete’s influence will be realized for years to come.

The award was also presented to three other individuals or groups for 2018:  Kim Lightley, Kim Kelly, and the BLM Boise Helitack Crew.

Winners of the award prior to 2018.

From Wildland Fire Leadership

NWS develops system for quickly notifying land managers when satellites detect wildfires

The NWS may one day issue watches and warnings based on the predicted spread of a dangerous wildfire.

The higher resolution and shorter time intervals between images on the more recently launched weather satellites has made it a reality for wildfires to be detected and local land managers notified within minutes.

The new GOES 16 and GOES 17 satellites can identify new wildfire ignitions more accurately than their predecessors. The higher resolution means the location can sometimes be pinned down to within less than a miles as long as the temperature reaches the threshold that triggers the software to paint it in the image.

For a while the National Weather Service had occasionally notified land managers when they detected a wildfire but in 2016 as numerous blazes erupted in Oklahoma and Kansas the Oklahoma Forestry Services Fire Management Chief specifically asked for help to identify new fire starts. In an April 30, 2019 presentation  transmitted remotely to the International Association of Wildland Fire’s Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference in Albuquerque, T. Todd Lindley, Science and Operations Officer with the NWS, said that considering the fire storms brewing in the area on that day in 2016 that someone on their staff determined that, “We need to innovate today”.

detect wildfires satellite notify fire department
Cell phone photo of a slide from T. Todd Lindley’s remotely transmitted presentation April 30, 2019.

Within about four hours, Mr. Lindley said, they had developed a computer program that could enable a forecaster to send a notification to a land manager about a new fire very quickly, with just a few mouse clicks.

They have had success with the system, with 83 percent of notifications being received prior to local 911 calls.

And branching off of their ability to predict the tracks of thunderstorms and tornados and issuing watches and warnings, the NWS is experimenting with identifying the projected spread of a fire which could possibly lead to issuing watch and warning areas for wildfires.

Analysis of how precipitation affects wildfire occurrence

analysis precipitation wildfires

Researchers have developed a fancy graphic presentation that explores the relationship between precipitation and the annual area burned in the Western United States. You should check it out.

They concluded that weather conditions DURING the fire season, humidity and rain, have far more effect on total acres burned than winter snow.

The figures and text (below) here are excerpts from the document.

“Wildfires have been increasing: but why? Is it the effect of increasing temperatures? Declining snowpack? Decreasing precipitation? In their recent paper, “Decreasing fire season precipitation increased recent western US forest wildfire activity,” Zachary Holden and his co-authors explore the relative influence of these factors. They first identified the variables related to temperature, snow, and precipitation that best predicted area burned:

“Temperature: vapor pressure deficit [VPD] (the difference between the maximum amount of water the air can hold and the amount it actually holds)

“Snow: maximum annual snow water equivalent [SWE], and

“Precipitation: wetting rain days [WRD], days with more than 1/10 inch of rain, in the months of May through September.”

analysis precipitation wildfires

analysis precipitation wildfires

analysis precipitation wildfires


Firefighters learn from the Battle of San Pasqual

A Staff Ride to the battlefield

The study of infamous fires and military battles can be a valuable learning opportunity for wildland firefighters. On a Staff Ride, finding out about leadership factors that affected the outcome can help participants benefit from the good decisions, and reduce the chances of making similar mistakes.

Today we have a guest article written by Heather Thurston.

Staff ride Battle of San Pasqual
Don Garwood, former Incident Management Team Incident Commander speaks to participants. Photo by Heather Thurston.

The Battle of San Pasqual: Decision Making Lessons Learned from the “Bloodiest Battle in California’s History”

By Fire Apparatus Engineer Heather Thurston, CAL FIRE – Monte Vista Unit

During the Mexican-American War President James Polk sent the U.S. 1st Dragoons, under the command of General Stephan Watts Kearny, 2000 miles from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to California. On December 6, 1846 these troops engaged a group of Mexican cowboys known as the “Californios” in what would become known as the “bloodiest battle in California’s History”.

Located in Southern California off of Hwy 78 nestled between Escondido and Poway in the northeast part of San Diego County, the battlefield now provides a unique learning opportunity for wildland firefighters.

On a cool April morning in 2019, cadets from Rio Hondo College Wildland Fire Academy lined up in anticipation for the day while leaders and mentors introduced each other from several departments across southern California. Leaders from U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Marines, CAL FIRE, Lakeside Fire, Newport Beach Fire, and other local departments assembled, ready to share their experiences and learn from each other about the decisions made in 1846. The battle of San Pasqual provides learning opportunities that parallel common issues consistently encountered on the firefighter’s battlefield.

Staff ride Battle of San Pasqual
In the parking lot, students and mentors receive a safety briefing followed by an opening speech which was given to the American Republic soldiers by General Kearny. Participants are asked to imagine a cold foggy morning through Captain Johnson’s eyes. Photo by Heather Thurston.

Mounted troops of Captain Andres Pico’s rebellion have encamped and taken-up positions in the eastern portion of this valley with the intent of attacking and destroying coalition forces of the American Republic, now in armed conflict with the Californios/Republic of Mexico.

You are to reconnoiter as to exact location of enemy forces and perform action using advantages of terrain and nighttime operations to beat-up the enemy camp, so as to achieve capitulation—while minimizing casualties to the extent possible.

They have the capability of eliminating U.S. forces available for action, given their ability to exercise superior local firepower and maneuverability. They can reinforce with organic and out-of-theater assets.

With these words ringing in their heads, participants start the 1/4 mile walk to the day’s first stop. It was here that Captain Johnson took 12 Dragoons, the best of Kearny’s men, under the orders to “TROT” and recon as to the strength and readiness of their adversaries.

Both the Dragoons and the Californios were mounted calvary. The Californios had fresh horses and a few rifles but most of their fighting was done with lariats and long lances.

During their 2,000-mile journey, the longest march in U.S. Army history, most of the Dragoons’ horses died and the soldiers were left with mules and half-broken horses they rounded up around Warner Springs. Much of their gunpowder was wet which reduced the effectiveness of their carbines to clubs and pistols to hammers.

The attendees are asked to imagine a foggy cold morning and look through Captain Johnson’s eyes as he sees the shadow of two men on horses. Captain Johnson believes he sees an opportunity to capture and stop these men from warning the Californio troops of the American’s arrival. Capt. Johnson deviates from the plan and gives the order to “CHARGE”, beginning the grueling and violent, several day long battle that we now talk about 173 years later.

While hindsight is always 20/20, we now know these shadowed soldiers were bait, cleverly set by Captain Andres Pico, leader of the Californios, and they led the Americans into an ambush that led to destruction and chaos.

What allowed a much smaller and lesser armed force to dominate a trained, regular fighting unit consisting of heavily armed men? When compared to the fire fight, aren’t we also more intelligent, better armed, and better trained than the fire? How often do we make decisions and act on partial facts? What factors influence our margin of success or failure?

Exhaustion, stress, complacency, over confidence?

As the staff ride continues, the group moves up the hillside, to the second stand known as the “battlefield overlook”.   U.S. Force Recon Marine Master Sergeant Zeran discusses the purpose and tactics of a military recon. Parallels are drawn between military recon tactics and those used to scout the fire line. How often do units scouting allow themselves to deviate from their original mission, drawn like a moth to the flame into the fire fight just like Capt. Johnson did?

After a short history lesson given by local Historian Stan “Gunboat” Smith in historical US Cavalry Uniform, students are paired with mentors for a short tactical exercise in clear communication and clear thinking under fire.

Staff ride Battle of San Pasqual
Discussion at Decision Rock. Photo by Heather Thurston.

The group then moves on to what is known as “Decision Rock”. Here, lessons of leader’s intent are discussed along with the planning and decision making cycle. When General Kearney hears Captain Johnston change the order from “trot” to the order of “CHARGE”, it is recorded in a soldiers journal that General Kearny sighs, “Oh heavens, that is not what I meant!”.

So the question is presented, “Who has the authority to alter tactics at the last minute?” When the time/decision wedge is narrow, how do we make sound and safe decisions with little information? It is emphasized here how unprepared Kearny’s troops were for the battle — their gunpowder wet, their feet bare or boots damaged from their travels, and the attitude that this confrontation would be of no consequence. Also, keeping in mind, the weather was so cold that the buglers could not bugle, effectively crippling the Americans communications. Still, they marched forward to the bloody battle.

Almost immediately after the CHARGE order was given, Capt. Johnson was shot by a Californio marksman and the command structure begins to break down for the Americans.

How should we design our units and train for the possibility of command casualty? General Kearny had the perception that this battle would be easy and his men were far superior than their adversary. How do we recover when the enemy outpaces and outperforms our expectations? Kearny was also working under the pressure from his command (the President of the United States) to engage. Do we allow expectations from Chief officers and the public to drive decision making?

Staff ride Battle of San Pasqual
In the riverbed where U.S. troops were ambushed by the
Californios. Photo by Heather Thurston.

After a lunch break, participants are led into a riverbed. Once Captain Pico realized his troops were are getting boxed in by the US, he faked a retreat down into this riverbed.

Here, you can start to see more active participation by the academy cadets, as lessons learned from their studies into incidents such as the Yarnell Hill Fire start to connect and draw a parallel to the decision making processes of this battle. Instructors reiterate leadership lessons that had been touched on throughout the day and how they all led to the battle that happened on this very ground.

Finally, participants are at the final stop at the Pioneer Cemetery. After a moment of reflection on mortality, students, mentors, and instructors alike are asked to draw conclusions about the battle’s relevance today. A voice inside me says, “Be hungry for your history”, meaning learn these lessons from others’ mistakes when the time/decision making wedge is wide. Be able to detach from the chaos and fog of our “war”, and make sound and battle-tested tactical decisions. Don’t ever let your guard down. Just when you believe you are stronger, smarter, and more prepared, you are in fact most vulnerable to complacency. And above all, never stop learning.

Staff ride Battle of San Pasqual
Discussion at Pioneer Cemetery. Photo by Heather Thurston.