Charges to proceed for spill of helicopter fuel into BC creek

fuel truck lemon creek
A truck with fuel for helicopters fighting a wildfire overturned into Lemon Creek in British Columbia, July 25, 2013.

A judge has ruled that the British Columbia government and an aviation services company can face charges over a spill of helicopter fuel into a creek last year. On July 25, 2013 a truck carrying jet fuel for helicopters fighting a wildfire on Perry Ridge made a wrong turn onto an unmaintained forestry road that couldn’t support its weight. The truck overturned and rolled into Lemon Creek, spilling 33,000 liters of fuel into the watercourse, a tributary of the Slocan and Kootenay rivers. The spill caused the death of hundreds of fish, according to a 2013 report by SNC-Lavalin, produced for the company and the B.C. Environment Ministry.

After the ministry decided following a detailed investigation of the spill that the case was closed with no recommendation for charges, Slocan Valley resident Marilyn Burgoon pleaded with a judge to allow charges to be filed against the government and Executive Flight Centre Fuel Services, the operator of the truck. The company blamed the accident on the provincial government, alleging it received poor directions to the delivery point for the helicopter fuel.

At a hearing on November 27 Ms. Burgoon provided evidence alleging both parties shared responsibility for the fuel discharge.

​“This is a very important victory for democracy,” said Burgoon after the charge was approved.

“This provincial court decision means that government and industry are still accountable for their actions in a court of law. Even when government and industry drag their feet to avoid the investigation of environmental offences, justice can still prevail.”

Burgoon said the right of a private citizen to lay a charge is a fundamental part of Canada’s justice system.

“If government is not going to apply the laws of Canada, it is up to the people to do so,” she said.

A summons will now be issued and a court hearing date will be set in 2015.

Report: with climate change, higher emphasis should be placed on community preparedness in BC

Norbeck prescribed fire
Norbeck prescribed fire, Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park, October 20, 2014. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

A report commissioned by the British Columbia Forests Ministry suggests that with impending climate change, more emphasis should be placed on preparing structures and communities to co-exist with fire, rather than hoping to suppress every fire.

Below is an excerpt from an article in the Vancouver Sun. Unfortunately the author conflates the prevention of fires with fuel reduction and community preparedness.

As the planet heats up and the risk of “mega fires” rises, B.C. will no longer be able to lean on its world-class wildfire-fighting teams to keep people and property safe, according to a draft provincial document.

The Forests Ministry paper, called Climate Change Adaption Action Plan for Wildfire Management 2014-2024, suggests fire prevention should become the top priority of the province.

“It is not an option to continue to increase fire suppression response and associated costs, because even the most aggressive action would neither be safe nor effective for the extreme wildfire events such as those seen in Kelowna in 2003 and Slave Lake in 2010,” reads the draft, obtained through an access to information request.

“During these events, suppression response cannot be relied upon to protect communities or natural resource values. The only protection provided will be the protection established before the fire, provided through wildland-urban interface fuel reduction and landscape fire management…”

Why wildland firefighters keep coming back

The Infotel website in Kamloops, British Columbia has an interesting article about wildland firefighters, and why they keep returning to the job year after year.

Here how piece begins:

THOMPSON-OKANAGAN – It can feel like warfare; heading into a fire, in the middle of nowhere for days on end at the mercy of Mother Nature. Yet something about being on the battle lines draws in wildland firefighters season after season.

For Jarvis Manuel, a 14-year veteran with B.C. Wildfire, it’s the people. For Thomas Martin, a four-year veteran, it’s the people. Jon Collavini, a 17-year veteran, you guessed it, it’s the people.

These three men all come from very different backgrounds yet the job is one they keep coming back to despite the uncertainty and danger. They take pride in what they do and will spend hours on end training. Some years they can spend as little as 10 per cent of their time on an actual wildfire, but not recently. This year, crews jumped from one fire to another throughout the summer…

The photos below are not fire pictures, but I took them in BC while on a motorcycle trip in 2012.

Columbia Lake
Columbia Lake in BC north of Fernie. (My bike is the Yamaha FJR1300 on the left.) Photo by Bill Gabbert.
Kootenay National Park
Kootenay National Park in BC, along Highway 93. Photo by Bill Gabbert. (click to enlarge)

Data breach may have exposed personal information of 15,000 applicants for firefighter jobs

The British Columbia Ministry of Forests has announced that a hacker accessed their computer system and may have obtained personal data about 15,000 individuals who applied for wildland firefighting jobs. The agency is in the process of notifying those who may be affected.

The databases were accessed by an unauthorized user on Sept. 24, 2014. As soon as the breach was discovered, public website access to the databases was shut down. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is conducting a thorough review of the incident in co-operation with the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

This incident may have resulted in some personal information being unlawfully accessed, including the name, gender, general contact information, date of birth, driver’s license number and job evaluation information of past wildfire crew firefighter job applicants. In some cases, information that applicants entered about their status as an Aboriginal, minority or disabled person may also have been viewed.

The government is notifying the individuals who are affected by this incident and could be at risk of harm as a result. People who require notification will be contacted by mail or other means.

In addition, the government is making credit protection services available at no cost to all of the individuals concerned. Persons who may be affected and who are being notified should call 1 844 456-2284 (toll-free from anywhere in Canada) for information about how to sign up for credit protection services.

Some of the database records are up to 10 years old and contacting all of the individuals in a timely manner may be difficult, so the Wildfire Management Branch is also reaching out to past job applicants through the media and its own social media channels.

Wildfire one liners, August 20, 2014

Inyo Hotshots
Inyo Hotshots. USFS photo.

New Hotshot crew: The USFS Forest Service has announced that there is a new Interagency Hotshot Crew on the Inyo National Forest in California.

Foreign aid to Washington: A group of volunteers from Israel is helping residents of Pateros, Washington recover from a devastating wildfire.

How will British Columbia pay for wildfires: While the United States is struggling to make decisions about how to pay for the rising costs of wildfires, British Columbia has similar issues.

Smokey Bear to be Grand Marshall: Smokey Bear will be the Grand Marshall of the New Mexico State Fair parade on September 13 in Albuquerque, in honor of his 70th birthday celebration. September 19 will be Firefighter and Smokey Bear Day at the fair.