Interview with a lead plane pilot about the 747 Supertanker

This article first appeared on Fire Aviation.

On January 24, 2017 the 747 SuperTanker left its base in Colorado Springs, Colorado for an assignment in Chile. It returned on February 13 after dropping on many wildfires in the South American country, making as many as seven sorties in a day each with 19,200 gallons of water enhanced with an additive to help make the water more effective, since long term retardant was not available.

Jamie Tackman
Jamie Tackman

After 17 years as a ground based wildland firefighter, with much as it as a smokejumper, Jamie Tackman transitioned to the air, becoming a lead plane pilot. He has worked off and on with the 747 air tankers since Evergreen converted the first one. Now retired from the U.S. Forest Service, he traveled to Chile to provide lead plane services for the huge aircraft operated by Global SuperTankers. This time he had a different role, or at least a different platform, flying ahead of the air tanker as usual but in an aircraft flown by military pilots.

Bill Gabbert interviewed Jamie, who began by describing the situation. Chile has no infrastructure for supervising, using, or refilling large or very large air tankers and they were unfamiliar with the concept of lead planes. In spite of these challenges the personnel working with the 747 and the other aircraft developed procedures to fight the fires from the air, while the local firefighters improvised a system on the ground for refilling the 747 and the IL-76 with water.

Aerial photos of wildfires in Chile

These photos were taken by the crew of the 747 Supertanker that is working out of Santiago, Chile. All of the pictures were shot at a fire south of Matanzas that burned about 19,000 hectares.

A Russian-made IL-76 air tanker takes off at Santiago, Chile. Photo by crew of the 747.
An IL-76 makes a drop on a wildfire south of Matanzas, Chile, February 1, 2017. Photo by the crew of Global Supertanker.
A Chilean military CASA lead plane flies ahead of the 747 Supertanker. Photo by crew of the 747.

The photo below is not exactly an aerial photo, except it was taken from the cockpit of the 747 Supertanker, which is pretty far above the ground even when parked on the ramp!

A Russian-made IL-76 air tanker on the Santiago ramp. Photo by crew of the 747.

Photos of the wildfires in Chile

Above: This appears to be a fuel tender on the Matanzas Fire. Either that, or a fuel truck repurposed as a fire engine.

We took these photos on February 2, on a fire south of Matanzas, Chile that had burned about 19,000 hectares (46,950 acres).

Matanzas Fire Chile
A typical burned area on the Matanzas fire.
Matanzas Fire Chile Eucalyptus
Many eucalyptus plantations were severely damaged. Here is a link to WebMD about the uses of eucalyptus.
Matanzas Fire Chile
The military had a presence at the Incident Command Post for the Matanzas Fire.
Matanzas Fire Chile
Dr. Gabriel Iribarren (orange vest) and his medical crew on the Matanzas Fire.
Matanzas Fire Chile helicopter
A helicopter approaches the Base Heliport on the Matanzas Fire. More photos of aircraft on the fire are at
Matanzas Fire Chile
A staging area on the Matanzas Fire.
Matanzas Fire Chile
A fire crew on the Matanzas Fire.

All photos are by Bill Gabbert.

Interview with Commander of wildfire near Matanzas, Chile

Thursday February 2, we talked with a commander of the 19,000 hectare (46,950 acre) wildfire south of Matanzas, Chile. We enlisted the help of Felipe to translate.

The fire has been burning for most of this week and at one time had a large number of resources assigned. It has received much attention in recent days from the 747 SuperTanker and the IL-76 very large air tanker.