Method developed to predict onset of strong winds 8-10 hours in advance

Upper-air profiles detected with sodar can measure upper-air winds before they begin at the surface

Sodar system
Sodar system used in the upper-air profiler pilot test. Image courtesy of Sonoma Technology.

A team of researchers with Pyregence have developed a system for predicting when strong upper-air winds will descend to the surface 8 to 10 hours in advance. Strong wind is the environmental factor that is virtually always present during catastrophic wildfire events that destroy hundreds of structures and put thousands of residents at great risk. Fuel conditions, humidity, and topography are also important factors, but few fires become fire storms without strong winds. Predicting the onset of a wind event can affect the deployment of firefighters, the tactics they employ on existing fires, and allow better decisions about preemptive power shutoffs, community warnings, and evacuations.

A device called sodar blasts a very loud 91-decibel pulsing beep into the sky which is then scattered by atmospheric turbulence back to the sodar, allowing profile calculations of wind speed, direction, and height.

Below is an excerpt from an article at

Profilers offer distinct advantages over other data collection methods. Most upper-atmosphere weather data is collected using radiosondes, instruments carried aloft, generally by balloon, two times a day. Profilers, by contrast, gather data two or three times every hour, and they also collect more detailed information throughout the lowest levels of the atmosphere—factors that allow for more accurate forecasts.

In 2003, for example, a profiler in New Mexico detected intensifying upper-air winds that had been missed by nearby radiosonde observations. The profiler helped forecasters accurately predict a midnight wind surge, giving fire crews the information they needed to rapidly contain the spread of the fire.

“Sodars have the ability to provide information that you can’t get from other instruments, and that are not available in the surface meteorological network,” says Kenneth Craig, a Senior Atmospheric Scientist and Meteorologist with Sonoma Technology, an environmental consulting firm that conducted the study for Pyregence.


For the Pyregence pilot test, the sodar system collected data from July 25 through October 26, 2020 [north of Santa Rosa in Northern California.]

Although a number of high-wind events occurred at the site during the pilot study period, a Diablo event that developed in late September proved particularly revealing.

Between 3 and 4 p.m. on September 25, strong winds developed 300–600 meters above ground level. Then, just after 1 a.m. that night, surface wind gusts of about 35 mph were recorded. The next day saw a similar pattern: strong winds developed aloft in the mid-afternoon and then gradually descended to the surface around midnight.

Both days, that is, saw high winds develop first in the upper atmosphere and then, about 8–10 hours later, descend to the surface. That time gap offers a window of opportunity to improve wildfire preparedness, especially during active fire situations.



The Extreme Weather Team concluded that a statewide network of strategically placed upper-air profilers could improve short-term forecasts of surface winds and help scientists who model fire behavior better understand the complex interactions of the atmosphere and wildfire.

How many sodars are needed? Although the scientists who led the study cautioned that they had not conducted a detailed analysis of this issue, they indicated that a relatively small number—perhaps in the range of 10–15 sodars carefully positioned across California—could dramatically improve the ability to predict strong winds.

“You don’t have to blanket every geographic area with instruments—there’s always a balance between the cost and the benefit,” Craig says. “But a handful of strategically placed sodars would fill gaps in our observing network and provide valuable information to support situational awareness and forecasting efforts.”

Time-lapse camera records moment a passing thunderstorm changes spread direction of Hennessey Fire

Napa County, California

August 18, 2020 | 2:25 p.m. PDT

Hennessey Fire 13 miles north of Napa, California, August 17, 2020. Screenshot from the video below. This shows the smoke after the wind shift.

A time-lapse camera at Atlas Peak in Napa County, California recorded the moment a wind shift caused by a passing thunderstorm August 17, 2020 suddenly changed the direction the Hennessey Fire was spreading.

If firefighters find themselves in a situation where thunderstorms could influence the wind direction on a fire, they should ensure they are in a safe location. A passing thunderstorm changed the wind direction on the Yarnell Hill Fire June 30, 2013 entrapping and killing 19 firefighters.

(To see all of the articles on Wildfire Today about the lightning-caused wildfires in California, including the most recent, click HERE.)

As of August 18 the Hennessey Fire has burned 2,700 acres; 205 structures are threatened and evacuation orders are in place. Three structures have been destroyed.

Anyone having trouble viewing the video can see it a YouTube.

Thanks go out to @bbdd333 who made the raw video footage available to us.

Wind map, April 5, 2016

The image above is a screen grab from an animated graphic showing the wind speed and direction in the United States at 1:35 p.m MDT today. This image does not do it justice. Go to the Wind Map site and become mesmerized by the animation.

The map gives us a clue that firefighters working on the fire in Woodward County in northwest Oklahoma might be challenged to keep up with it.