Retired Fire Chief John Hawkins has written what he calls a “Major Wildfire Action Plan” for the state of California. The Chief describes the document as “comprehensive and broadly addresses the wildfire problem via the four accepted phases of emergency management: Prevention, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation.”
The catastrophic fires of 2017 and 2018 in California are evidence that something needs to change. Maybe this four-page document will help move the conversation along.
This is a great contribution from individuals like Chief Hawkins with vast experience and knowledge towards a “Cohesive Wildfire Strategy” for California. I would like to to see a better ignition reduction plan. Orange County is not the only county that needs to address roadside hardening to reduce ignitions. Roadside ignitions always seems to be overlooked or minimized in the Prevention and Mitigation phases despite the statistics on how many wildfires start along roadsides. Recognition that a strategy that works in Northern California might not be exactly the same as other areas like Southern California would need to be addressed and implemented as well.
There is no one more qualified to speak about the California Wildland Fire Problem than Chief John Hawkins. His plan respects the need for overwhelming Initial Attack, but requires more emphasis on planning and Fire Prevention and the co operation of the Insurance Companies. Chief Hawkins has worked and studied the California problem for almost 6 decades. We should heed his advice.