Brock Blevins, the Training Coordinator for the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) asked that we pass along an online training opportunity.
NASA’s ARSET will be offering a new online webinar series: Satellite Observations and Tools for Fire Risk, Detection, and Analysis.
The six-part training in English and Spanish will cover how remote sensing and Earth observations can be used to monitor conditions before, during and after fires. Topics covered will include weather and climate conditions, fuel characterization, fire risk, smoke detection, monitoring, forecasting, fire behavior, and post-fire landscapes. This intermediate-level training will provide lectures and case studies focused on the use of Earth observations for operational fire monitoring.
Course Dates in 2021: May 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27.
Times and Registration Information:
English Session: 11:00-13:00 EDT (UTC-4): https://go.nasa.gov/3mak1DS
Spanish Session: 15:00-17:00 EDT (UTC-4): https://go.nasa.gov/3wfzlUf
Learning Objectives: By the end of this training attendees will understand:
- Terminology regarding type and components of fire (pre, during, post)
- Climatic and biophysical conditions pre-, during-, and post-fire
- The satellites and instruments used in conducting fire science
- The applications of passive and active remote sensing for fires
- How to visualize fire emissions and particulate matter
- The use of tools for active fires, emissions, and burned areas
- How to acquire data for conducting analysis in a given study area
Agenda: http://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/2021-03/Wildfires_Agenda_0.pdf
Audience: This training is primarily intended for local, regional, state, federal, and international organizations involved in resource and ecosystem management, health and air quality, disaster risk management, disaster response, and those with an interest in applying remote sensing to fire science.
Course Format: Six, 2-hour Parts