A fire supervisor asks, “Why didn’t I see this coming?”

Fire personnel and mental health issues

Eclipse Complex firefighters
Firefighters on the Eclipse Complex of fires, Klamath NF, 2017. Photo by B. Patton. InciWeb.

From Bill: I have been communicating for a few weeks with a U.S. Forest Service Forestry Technician about an article they wanted to submit about helping employees who are struggling with mental health issues. The text arrived by email yesterday:

Sorry for the delay. I’ve actually been really busy at work, and then I had an employee resign for mental health reasons today.  For that reason I don’t want to put this off anymore.

Here is the article. The author wished to remain anonymous.

It has now been over a year since the start of the 2020 fire season.  It has also been just over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic truly began affecting my life, and the lives of the people I work with.  A year ago I was onboarding my crew in full COVID PPE, issuing gear and sending them home to telework while we figured out how to fight fire during a pandemic.  I was legitimately thrilled to start the 2021 season, thinking the pandemic and the stress was behind us and that finally we could get back to ‘normal’.

But today I had a talk with one of my employees about their incredibly difficult off-season and the mental health struggles they’ve been dealing with.  The details of their struggle aren’t critical here.  It could be about money, family, a relationship, personal health, or simply happiness and life satisfaction.  What is important is that since the end of the 2020 fire season, almost half of the employees I supervise have approached me with mental health concerns just like these.  Yes, you read that right.  Nearly half of my employees are struggling to cope to the extent that they approached me needing help and advice.  And while I was aware, as I’m sure you are, that the pandemic has caused trauma, stress, depression, and self harm at unprecedented levels potentially not seen before, it hadn’t personally affected me until now.  And now it’s here, and not in a small way.  This is not an anomaly. This is a trend.

At first I had a serious bout of self reflection and introspection.  “What have I done to these people that they’re hurting so badly?”  “What happened last season to push them in this direction?”  “Did I drive them too hard?”  “Why didn’t I see this coming?”  I consulted with some of my mentors and realized that no, it isn’t necessarily me.  It’s us.  It’s our culture.  We think we can handle just about anything.  We regularly and voluntarily place ourselves into environments that define the word stress, and we do so with big dirty grins on our faces.  And as the season grinds on we find a few ways to cope, and they’re usually extremely unhealthy.  It should not surprise us that this approach is bound to break down.  But one thing we don’t do is talk about how we’re feeling.  We grind it out because we know winter is coming.  And we think that will help.  But what if it doesn’t?  I’m writing today to say that it doesn’t.  Winter unemployment wasn’t a holiday.  Fire season was a holiday from reality.  And when work ends, the harsh reality of “real life” is waiting there staring you in the face.  And now we are returning to work not refreshed and fit and ready to go, but drained from a stressful winter.  And if this problem exists where I work, I truly believe it must be happening where you work, whether it’s being talked about or not.

So here’s my advice.  I’m not a mental health professional so take it for what it’s worth.  I’m just a guy who’s done this for a little while.

Firefighters – know that you are not alone.  Literally everyone experiences the same anxiety and struggles just like you do, in different ways and at different times.  The past 12 months have been brutal.  Everyone on my crew broke their career overtime records in 2020, and did so while it felt like the world was imploding around us, and while we were isolated from friends and family.  Stress on top of stress for 6-8 months followed by being set adrift and alone into the world once the snow flies is mentally taxing in a normal year.  Doing all of that during a pandemic was bound to push people over the edge.  I only ask that you realize that we are here for you.  Your supervisors.  Your coworkers.  Even the random people you meet for one shift on a fire and never see again.  We’re here for you because we are you.  We experience it too.  And while we may not have all the answers, we’re all better off seeking them together.  Speak up.  Your voice will empower the voices of others.  And there are free and anonymous resources to connect you with professionals regardless of which agency you work for. Talking about it will help.

Supervisors – Make yourself available and approachable.  I am as guilty as the rest of you.  In our line of work, I am a stereotypical fireline supervisor.  I am loud and outspoken, and I portray a confidence that I’m sure tells my subordinates that I am more or less bulletproof and immune from these issues personally.  That is not helpful.  That does not give your people the confidence to speak up.  Show humility.  Lose the ego.  Let them see your weaknesses.  Empower your employees with the knowledge they need to get help.  Give them contact information for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  While I am at times a major skeptic when it comes to believing “the agency” has our back, I can say for certain that my agency’s EAP has done incredible work for the people I’ve put in touch with it.  And even if no one has approached you for help, you can still foster an environment that encourages open communication and the ability to come to you with issues.  The egomaniacal “shut up and dig” approach may work in some cases, but this is not one of them.

Thanks for indulging me in my brief but passionate soapbox rant.  I don’t claim to have the answers.  I have no formal training in mental health or therapy.  But I’ve done this job for a long time, and I’m seeing looks on faces I’ve never seen before.  We’ve been getting better recently about talking.  Opening up.  Discussing as opposed to directing.  But I believe we still have work to do if we’re going to create a culture and a family that feels comfortable speaking up and opening up about mental health.  Life is stressful enough these days.  Doing what we do on top of all of that is bound to be just a little too much sometimes.  Drop the ego and be a human.  A little empathy goes a long way.  Have a safe season.


Note from Bill:

Suicide rates among wildland firefighters have been described as “astronomical.

Help is available for those feeling really depressed or suicidal.

U.S. Forest Service suspends all prescribed fires in their Northern Region

The stand down follows several recent accidents and burn-related injuries

US Forest Service Regions map

The Regional Forester of the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Region, Leanne Marten, has ordered an immediate pause on all prescribed fires within the region, which encompasses Montana, North Dakota, and Northern Idaho. In an April 19 memo, she described the reason:

In the last week and a half we have had reported four burn injuries of Northern Region employees, two very serious resulting in 3rd degree burns and surgery. Thankfully employees are recovering well.

As I mentioned on our call this morning,  I am directing an immediate pause on all prescribed burns in the Northern Region until further notification from me. Each Forest Supervisor and Director are to immediately have a safety stand down with all employees to have a dialogue and assessment on where people are at and whether we are in the place with everything else going on in the world to safely move forward with this program of work.

Forest Supervisors were directed to report back by April 23 about the results of the discussions and their recommendations going forward.

One of the injuries resulted from the collar popping off a drip torch that was being carried strapped to a Forestry Technician’s pack. All of the fuel spilled onto the person’s legs and quickly ignited.

Here is an excerpt from the Rapid Lesson Sharing document dated April 13, 2021:

US Forest Service Regions map
From the LLC Rapid Lesson Sharing report.

After the test burn for the Clear Creek Aspen Prescribed Fire was completed, blacklining operations began. The Holding Boss, with 17 years of experience, had a drip torch securely strapped to his pack, as is commonly practiced to supplement torches for the ignition crew. (See photo on left.) Fuel was not leaking from the torch.

As blackline operations continued, the brass locking ring and torch assembly simultaneously popped off the drip torch—making a noticeable audible sound. This action caused all the burn fuel to dump out at once, soaking the Holding Boss’ Nomex pants and boots.

This fuel instantaneously combusted, igniting the Holding Boss’ saturated clothing from the waist down.

The Holding Boss immediately dropped to the ground and attempted to roll. However, with his pack still on, he had limited mobility to do so. In addition, the drip torch’s burning tank was still connected to the pack.

These actions combined to ignite additional fuel in close proximity to the Holding Boss.

Difficulty in Suppressing Flames

All resources in the area immediately tried to assist the Holding Boss by trying to smother the flames on his legs with gloved hands. They removed the pack and poured water from their canteens to suppress the flames.

However, with the amount of fuel that was involved, efforts to put the flames out were not immediately effective.

While difficult to estimate, the amount of time it took to suppress the flames is estimated to be from 30 seconds to one minute.

Air Ambulance Extracts Holding Boss

The on-site EMT assessed the Holding Boss. The initial diagnosis included 2nd and 3rd degree burns on both legs.

The immediate extraction of the Holding Boss was done by air ambulance. Within 45 minutes of this burn incident the patient had been loaded into the air ambulance and was en route to the hospital.

Lessons and Follow-Up

  • Despite no indications of leaking, the drip torch locking ring was able to pop off, jettisoning most of the fuel from the tank. Upon initial examination of the drip torch, the locking ring used does not appear to be from the same manufacturer as the rest of the torch
  • The drip torch involved in this incident is being sent to the National Technology and Development Program (NTDP) for further inspection
  • The local unit has started to examine their drip torch inventory to ensure that the components from each torch are from the same manufacturer.

This has Happened Here Before

In the aftermath of this drip torch burn injury incident, via follow-up conversations in this dispatch zone, it has been learned that at least one other locking ring has popped off a drip torch being used during prescribed fire activities this spring.

The 10-second video below shows how this may occur:

Lessons from a Similar Event: Caldwell Fire Burn Injury

A fuel can in the bed of a pickup caught fire. In the process of removing the fuel can from the truck, fuel spilled on a firefighter’s pants and ignited. He climbed out of the truck and attempted to stop, drop, and roll on the pavement to extinguish the flames on his pant leg. Rolling on the pavement didn’t work, so he stood up, stepped to the road shoulder and rolled in the dirt, finally extinguishing the fire.

From this FLA: Actions to Take to Extinguish Burning Fuel on Pants 

“Stop, drop, and roll” does not readily extinguish burning fuel on Flame Resistant  clothing. Additionally, it appears that attempting to swat or pat out burning fuel can increase the fire intensity. There are some actions that can be taken to extinguish burning fuel on Flame Resistant clothing. However, these actions require human performance in very stressful situations.

  1. Unbuckle and remove pants down to ankles or below boots. This reduces flame lengths and removes the heat from next to the skin, allowing the individual to extinguish the flames away from the legs. This method is preferred for large areas of burning fuel on pants.
  2. Use a water bottle to pour on the flames to extinguish the burning fuel.
  3. Drop to knees

Here is a video from the National Technology Development Program showing findings related to fuel igniting on Nomex pants:

(end of Rapid Lesson Sharing report)

Drip torches are carried strapped onto firefighters’ packs in other locations as well.

Packing drip torch pack gear
Drip torch carried strapped to a firefighter’s gear. Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota, January 13, 2016. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

Confusion at a National Forest as requests for work boot stipends is six times what was expected

Boots can cost more than $500

Update at 11:40 a.m. PDT April 22, 2021

The Deputy Regional Forester for the Pacific Northwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service (R6), Debbie Hollen, confirmed the boot stipend policy in an email that circulated on April 21, 2021:

I can confirm that ALL R6 employees who are eligible for a boot stipend will receive one.  This article is an example of an unfortunate misunderstanding, that we hope is limited to one National Forest.   I know we have tried to ensure understanding of the change in policy related to both the stipend, and the new budget structure across the entire RLT.   Boots are covered in FY21.

It remains to be seen if this ALL employees statement applies to all FS regions. On April 20 I asked Debra Schweizer, Acting Public Affairs Specialist in the FS Washington Office that question by email, “Will the boot stipend be available to every employee who qualifies this year?” If I receive a reply it will be posted here. Earlier she had written that the Washington Office “has been working with regions directly to ensure there are enough funds nationally available to cover all fire employees that participate in the program.”

Originally published at 1:38 p.m. PDT April 20, 2021

firefighter boots
USFS photo by Jordan Gulley, Redmond Hotshots

Some field-going personnel on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon, including those with fire duties, are being told they may have to purchase some of their own required personal protective equipment this year.

In the Forest Service, certain field-going personnel and all Forestry Technicians who fight fires are required to have boots that meet the agency’s specifications — at least 8 inches high, lace-type work boots, with lug melt-resistant soles. Prices for most models range from $340 to $560. If worn by firefighters who put a lot of miles on them, the boots have to be rebuilt, repaired, or replaced regularly.

Merv George, Forest Supervisor, Rogue River-Siskiyou NF
Merv George, Forest Supervisor, Rogue River-Siskiyou NF, USFS photo

Since 2015 the Forest Service has been giving personnel who are required to have these boots a stipend up to $300 every three years to help defray the cost. On October 1 of last year it was increased to $500. The three-year schedule was then reset for everyone, which meant they all could apply for the stipend again.

Two employees on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest told Wildfire Today that this year they were informed that not everyone who qualifies will receive a full stipend because there is not enough money available.

An explanatory email sent March 29 from the Administrative Officer on the Rogue River -Siskiyou NF laid out the new policy according to Merv George, the Forest Supervisor. Eligible employees were told to submit their stipend requests by April 19 “for final review and determination of reimbursement amount.” And…

Please note: based on the number of Forest-wide requests, the full reimbursement of $500 will not be honored if total cost exceeds our allocation; instead, Merv’s decision is to split the number of requests received by the amount allocated – this includes fire and non-fire employees, for consistency…Permanent employees remain priority and if funding remains available after covering permanent staff, we may look to support temporary employee requests.  Requests shall be submitted for employees who truly need/needed replacement boots and only employees with a position description identifying boots as a requirement will be considered.

The boot policy obtained from the USFS website seems fairly clear:

USFS Boot Stipend policy
USFS Boot Stipend policy. From USFS website April 17, 2021.

On April 19 I asked Forest Supervisor Merv George if everyone on the Rogue River-Siskiyou NF who is required to have boots that meet the agency’s specifications will receive the $500 stipend. He replied by email that afternoon:

The answer to your question all depends on how many employees submit a reimbursement request.  I have sat aside $10k for this purpose as of now. Unfortunately the forest does not receive any extra funding for these reimbursements. Instead it is expected that they will be absorbed by our existing salary and expense line item.

If more than 20 people submit reimbursement requests that will use up the $10k I will try and find more money….meaning hiring less [temporary employees] for this season. Or we can divide up the $10k by the number and give everyone an equal share. No decisions have been made because we are still waiting to see how many folks are requesting it this year.

Sorry if it sounds complicated but until the authors of the boot policy can find a way to help the field pay for them….units are navigating this dynamic tension.

Bottom line…the leadership team and I will do our best to make the $500 reimbursement happen for all our staff who request it.

Later that afternoon I heard from Mr. George again, saying:

I just learned that I have 130 boot reimbursement requests as of now. This puts me well over the $10k I had budgeted for. I just spoke with our new R6 Fire Director about this issue too. Looks like we may see some economic help from the region on this. As I mentioned before, I will do everything I can to honor this policy.

I reached out to the Forest Service Washington Office and explained the situation in Oregon.

Debra Schweizer, Acting Public Affairs Specialist responded by email:

The Washington Office, Fire and Aviation Management, has been working with regions directly to ensure there are enough funds nationally available to cover all fire employees that participate in the program.

One of the Forestry Technicians that reached out to us last week had strong feelings. They wanted their name withheld.

These types of leaders treat the budget like it’s taking food off their own dinner plate and it’s disheartening. I’m also really irritated at the Forest and the Agency for specifically targeting the boot stipend as a way to screw people. EVERY OTHER PROFESSION I’ve seen has provided employees PPE, so why would the Agency ask people to buy these extremely expensive boots out of pocket on the ‘chance’ that they get reimbursed? Can you imagine the outcry if the public heard that the Seattle Fire Department expected their employees to buy their own bunker gear or SCBAs?

My first pair of Whites

My last pair of Whites boots
My last pair of Whites

The photo above is my last pair of Whites boots.

Here is the story of my first pair.

Back in the old days, before 2015, Forestry Technicians had to pay for their own boots. During my second year with the Forest Service, my initial year on the El Cariso Hot Shots, our first large fire that year in 1970 was the Safety Harbor Fire at Lake Chelan, Washington. After flying from Southern California in a Forest Service DC-3 we were hauled on a bus to a boat launch on the west side of the lake. From there we got on a sightseeing boat usually used for tourists, which took us across to the other side, where we were the initial attack on the fire. (Yeah, I KNOW. From Southern California, we were the first Forestry Technicians on the fire. Needless to say, there were a bunch of fires burning in the area and the locals were a little busy.)

Safety Harbor Fire boat ride El Cariso Hot Shots
El Cariso Hotshots and other firefighters on a boat being ferried across Lake Chelan to the Safety Harbor Fire in 1970. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

After two or three weeks we had a day of R&R. Some of us, including myself who had found that our boots were inadequate for Hotshot work, were taken to a shoe store in a nearby town. It was early in the season and most of us had very little money, and no credit cards. Our crew Superintendent, Ron Campbell, worked with the Finance Section to arrange for a Commissary-like process for us to buy new boots and for the funds to come out of our pay.

We all proudly walked out of the store wearing new, shiny Whites — which at the time was the preeminent footwear for firefighters and loggers. I think I paid $65 for mine, a week’s pay.

Later I heard that when the paperwork was being processed, one of the clerks in the office wondered why firefighters were buying white boots. “Won’t they just get dirty?” she said.

El Cariso Hotshots Safety Harbor Fire
El Cariso Hotshots at a spike camp on the Safety Harbor Fire in Washington, 1970. We had just been chased out of a canyon after the fire blew up, like it did every afternoon around 2 p.m.  In the foreground is the tub for heating “Continental Cuisine”  frozen hairnet-bag meals. Photo by Bill Gabbert.

Wildfire damages structures at University of Cape Town in South Africa

Two firefighters were seriously injured

Updated at 6 p.m. GMT April 18, 2021

3-D map of fire at TMNP
3-D map of the APPROXIMATE LOCATION of the fire at Table Mountain National Park and the Univ. of Cape Town in South Africa, 1:30 p.m. GMT April 18, 2021. Not to be used for planning or evacuation.

More than 200 firefighters supported by four helicopters battled a wildfire Sunday that was pushed by strong winds into the University of Cape Town. Several buildings, some historical, were damaged including the Jagger Library, which houses priceless African studies collections, unique manuscripts, and personal papers.

Other structures damaged were the Rhodes Memorial Restaurant and Mostert’s Mill, South Africa’s oldest working windmill built in 1796.

Helicopter drops water on wildfire and structure fire at University of Cape Town
Helicopter drops water on wildfire and structure fire at University of Cape Town, South Africa. MM LIve, April 18, 2021.

The wind pushed the fire across the M3 highway which connects downtown Cape Town to the southern suburbs.

Times Live reported that two firefighters were hospitalized with serious burns — one from the City of Cape Town and another from Working on Fire — according J.P. Smith, a Cape Town security official.

In a statement, Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) said initial investigations show that a fire suspected to have been left unattended by a vagrant is believed to have been the cause of the runaway blaze, which required the evacuation of hundreds of students from the University of Cape Town residences in Rosebank.

Map of the fire at TMNP and UCT in Cape Town
Map of the fire at TMNP and UCT in Cape Town, 1:30 p.m. GMT April 18, 2021. Wildfire Today & NASA.

Originally published at 11:16 a.m. GMT April 18, 2021

Map of the fire at TMNP and UCT in Cape Town
Map of the fire at TMNP and UCT in Cape Town, 1:06 p.m. GMT April 18, 2021. Wildfire Today & NASA.

A wildfire on the slopes above the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa spread into the campus and Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) Sunday. The city government reports there has been significant damage to homes, a restaurant, and historical structures since the blaze started at about 8:45 a.m.

University students were ordered to evacuate as the fire spread quickly, pushed by strong winds.

Wildfire, University of Cape Town
Wildfire at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, April 18, 2021. Photo: City of Cape Town.

IOL reported that Working on Fire general manager Melany Duthie-Surtie said the Department of Forestry Fisheries and Environment, Working on Fire in the Western Cape, had dispatched 58 firefighters and four helicopters to assist the TMNP in the suppression effort.

Wildfire, University of Cape Town
Wildfire at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, April 18, 2021. Photo: City of Cape Town.

TMNP spokesperson Babalwa Dlangamandla said, “After the initial investigation, it is surmised that the origin of the fire is from a vacated vagrant fire.”

Executive Mayor Dan Plato noted that at least one firefighter was being treated in a hospital for burn injuries. Property has been damaged, including private homes, the Rhodes Memorial restaurant, UCT Library, and historical structures including the Mostert’s Hill windmill.

Wildfire, University of Cape Town
Wildfire at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, April 18, 2021. Photo: City of Cape Town.

Mayor Dan Plato visited the site to thank those involved in firefighting efforts.

“I wish to express our gratitude for the efforts of firefighters who have been working non-stop to bring this massive fire under control,” the Mayor said. “It is saddening to note that property and historic buildings have been damaged by this fire. It is tragic that literary treasures have been lost at the UCT library, but I have been informed that some of the most valuable works were saved by the quick activation of roller doors. Our attention and support remains with firefighters and all role players working to protect further loss of property.”

Wildfire, University of Cape Town
Wildfire at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, April 18, 2021. Photo: City of Cape Town.
Wildfire, University of Cape Town
Wildfire at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, April 18, 2021. Photo: City of Cape Town.

Opinion: A USFS firefighter in Oregon can be paid more at McDonald’s

A view from under a smokejumper canopy

Boise BLM smokejumpers
Boise BLM smokejumpers. BLM photo by Carrie Bilbao July 28, 2020.

(This article first appeared at The Oregonian)

By Ben Elkind

I would almost do it for free. The feeling of complete focus and calm after jumping out of the airplane is hard to find elsewhere these days. But the chaos from life and the fire below are making me rethink my career, and that’s a big problem for Oregonians.

I’ve been a smokejumper for the US Forest Service for eight years and worked on the Mt. Hood Hotshot Fire Crew before that. I grew up in Oregon and can’t stand to see the wildfires ravaging our public lands and communities, while the smoke threatens our public health.

The Forest Service employs the largest firefighting force in the west, yet the agency refuses to rise to the challenge of climate change and the growing demand that increased fires, short-staffing and low pay presents for our workforce.

Vacancies throughout the west limit our firefighting ability. Fire engines sit idle and unstaffed in many parts of our state, and the number of “Type-II” incident management teams – charged with managing large fires around the northwest – has decreased from ten to seven since 2014. The teams that remain are short-staffed and spread thin. This is the obvious outcome in a profession that I’ve never heard anyone recommend to their children.

As the cost of living and home prices rise in the west, the Forest Service can no longer retain its employees when starting pay is $13.45 an hour. At the Lincoln City McDonald’s, just west of Otis, another community nearly erased from the map by wildfires, a sign in the window advertised starting pay is $15 an hour. My wife joked that I should apply there for more job security. She’s right. A career with McDonald’s is currently more promising than federal wildland firefighting.

I’m an incident commander with advanced qualifications, supervising dozens of resources and fire crews on fires, yet I’ve never earned more than $20 an hour in my 14 years as a professional wildland firefighter. I make decisions that can cost millions of dollars with lives hanging in the balance, yet I am paid more like a teenager working a summer job than a highly experienced professional. Last summer, I trained someone from Seattle Fire who earned more in two weeks than I earned in a 6-month fire season.

The cost of paying living wages to our firefighters pales by comparison with the costs that devastating wildfires have on our state. The costs in Oregon from the 2020 fires alone are in the billions of dollars, and that doesn’t include the mental toll it took on our citizens. My pregnant wife was home with our toddler duct-taping paper towels on a fan to try to filter the smoke, while I was working on the fire that would burn from Warm Springs past Detroit and toward Portland.

I’ve personally seen the experience level drop rapidly on fires over the past decade as people find work that is more predictable and safer, and affords them a better work/life balance. This leads to higher fire costs simply because we aren’t as experienced at fighting fire as we used to be. When training costs are so high, retention is paramount to fiscal responsibility.

Prescribed burns and hazardous fuels reduction are buzzwords politicians and media use, but the reality is that there aren’t people willing to take on that dangerous job anymore at $13.45 an hour. The limiting factor is staffing.

Fire season in 2021 is now underway in the drought-stricken western U.S., yet there have been no policy changes at the firefighting level, or legislatively.

Talking about wildfires, climate change, prescribed burning is great. But our citizens and firefighting workforce demand action. I ask for your help, to demand a better investment of our money, and to preserve what parts of Oregon we have left for future generations.

Smokejumpers. BLM photo.

Ben Elkind is a smokejumper for the U.S. Forest Service based out of Redmond.