BTU Complex: still causing evacuations

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The BTU (or Butte County) Complex east of Chico and adjacent to Paradise is still actively burning and creating the need for more evacuations. Two additional “immediate threat evacuation” notices were issued this morning for some areas within Paradise. The fire is 48,800 acres and is 50% contained.

Wildfire Today just received a report from someone in Paradise who said the area is socked in with smoke allowing very little use of aircraft, but he did see one air tanker working the area this morning. For the last few days, the fire has been pushed by a north component wind, but he said now there is south wind, which is slowing the spread on the south side. A nighttime inversion lifted late last the night allowing some increased fire activity. The fire still has not crossed the river just east of Paradise.

Here is a map from the CalFire web site updated yesterday. Click on it or the link to see a larger version.

Thanks to Joel for the tip.

InciWeb is working–for now

InciWeb, when it is working, is great. Theoretically, it is One Place where you can go to get information about going fires. It is easy to upload data to the site, and it can take some of the workload off agencies if they don’t have to maintain their own fire-specific web sites.

But when there are many fires burning, or there are one or two that generate a lot of interest, the web site can’t handle the load and chokes, not working at all. When the need for it is the greatest, it is most likely to fail.

After being out of service off and on for several days, it started working recently. Not all of the fires have started using it again, since they have not been able to upload their information to the site on a consistent basis for days. But not all fires use InciWeb even when it works, for example, the BTU (or Butte County) complex does not use it.

There are several ways you can sort the data. Here is an example of fires in California in descending order by size.

Basin fire burns around Tassajara

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The Basin fire, east of Big Sur, made huge runs yesterday, burning completely around the Zen Center at Tassajara. It is now 108,026 acres and is 41% contained, adding about 18,000 acres over the last 24 hours.

East side:
The fire ran to the east for two to five miles leaving Tassajara and the road into it enveloped by fire. The Tassajara folks posted this information on their blog Sitting With Fire last night.

So far, so good

The fire has passed through Tassajara and is making it’s way down the creek. Everyone who has stayed is safe and very tired. They plan to spend the night maintaining a watch for embers falling from the hills above.

They report that the Tassajara grounds are an island of green in a sea of black. A testament to the recently installed sprinkler system and the twice daily irrigation of the site.

The fire approached quickly from three sides shortly after 1pm and passed over Tassajara mercifully fast. The crew were able to move around outside the safe space and keep the sprinkler system working.

Several small buildings were lost: the Bird House, the compost shed, the wood shed and the pool bathroom. The radio-phone and half of the lower garden were also destroyed.

Clarification 9:00pm: The front of the fire has passed Tassajara and was burning the meadow below the lower barn early this evening. There appears to be no fuel left to burn in the valley. The remaining danger is from embers falling down the hillsides. This danger may persist for days and diminishes as time passes.

The eastern side of the fire is now approaching the indirect dozer lines that have been in place over a week. A very rough estimate is that there are over 20 miles of this line that must be defended on the north and east sides. East of Tassajara the fire last night was two to three miles from the line. Farther north it varies from 1/2 mile to four.

With the shortage of resources in the state and on this fire, I hope the Incident Management Team has what they need in order to fire out and hold this line.

North side:
The firing along the dozer line continues to progress to the east and has made it one mile east of Big Pines campsite. With the intense burning yesterday, this was the one bright spot–the firing is going well and the line held.

South side:
We reported yesterday that the fire had crossed the fire line on the Rodeo Flats Trail near the Indians fire. This line had not been fired out yet, and now it has burned two miles beyond to the south, burning along the Indians fire. On InciWeb, which is working off and on now. they are calling it a “spot fire”, but it is at least 700 acres. If they had stopped it as planned on the trail, this would have wrapped up the south side. Now they will have to fall back to secondary lines, some of which have been prepared, and others are only planned.

The fire in this area is now going to take a major effort to corral. I wonder if a shortage of resources, extreme fire behavior, or something else caused the fire to not be stopped on the fire line as planned.

The map below was produced late yesterday.

The weather forecast for Jamesburg, east of the fire:

Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 89. Southwest wind between 5 and 8 mph. Relative humidity 15%.

Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a low around 63. West southwest wind 5 to 8 mph becoming south southeast. RH 55%.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 92. South southeast wind around 7 mph becoming west. RH 28%.

Newspaper story: not enough firefighters

Reporters for the Mercury News in Silicon Valley in California reviewed Incident Status Summary forms, ICS-209’s, from many of the California fires and harvested narrative comments from the forms regarding the availability of resources. The entire article is worth reading, but here are a few excerpts:

“A shortage of equipment and manpower has contributed to the spread of fires across the state, according to frustrated fire commanders trying to subdue the state’s 320 raging wildland blazes.

Internal reports from experts out in the field reveal repeated requests for additional help – and concern for their firefighters’ lives.

“All fires on the Complex are minimally staffed . . . Due to limited resources, there are some divisions unstaffed,” according to an incident status summary by Ron Roberts at the Shasta and Trinity County fire, the site of 34 injuries. “Operational adjustments have been made due to the lack of resources.”

In Kern County’s Piute Fire, commander Chris Hoff asked repeatedly for more officers, writing “Lack of overhead positions continue to hamper suppression efforts.” In a Humboldt County fire, called Hell’s Half Complex, commander Jess Secrest wrote that “Continued inability to fill critical resource orders increases the fire’s ability to enter residential areas, expected later this week.”

More than 700,000 acres have burned – and 99 homes lost – since a series of wildfires scorched the state. The destruction – particularly the expansion of a blaze into several Shasta-based towns – prompted the governor to deploy the state’s National Guard, the first time in 31 years.

On Thursday afternoon, secretary of the Homeland Security Michael Chertoff promised to provide federal helicopters to dump water. He also said he would send out-of-state fire fighters to train incoming National Guardsmen.”


“The National Multi-Agency Coordinating Group, which supervises staffing of the nation’s fires, has issued a report warning that California’s needs were “stretching the national response capability.”

“The situation in California, particularly the northern part of the state, is perhaps unprecedented and the needs for crews, aircraft, equipment and support are already acute,” it said. The group cautioned that “The rate of ‘unable to fill’ orders is increasing.”

Documents called “incident status summaries,” submitted by on-site commanders to U.S. Forestry Service and Cal Fire authorities, show repeated requests for help.

In the Canyon Fire, in Plumas County, two blazes have been reduced to “patrol status,” with no one to fight them, according to Commander Jeanne Pincha-Tulley. She wrote: “Lack of sufficient suppression resources, especially hand crews. . .Multiple crews are reaching their maximum work assignment. . .This reduction in resources may affect the predicted containment date and strategies if replacement crews are not assigned.”

At Hell’s Half Complex, “fire growth has continued. . .five fewer crews being available to work today’s shift.”

The number of concerns written into official reports signals how extreme the situation has become, some said.


An estimated 84 wildfires in California are burning “unstaffed,” according to the national coordinating group, “and have the potential to burn through much of the summer and into the fall until rainfall increases.”


Meanwhile, Governor Schwarzenegger today sent a letter to President Bush requesting help with the fires in California. Some of his requests include:

  • Federal active duty forces to provide additional Type II firefighting handcrews to meet shortages;
  • Additional out-of-state federal firefighters to provide training for National Guard personnel as Type II handcrews;
  • Increasing the “Maximum Efficiency Level” (MEL) for the U.S. Forest Service to 100 percent.


I wonder if the federal bean counters are still being assigned to all the large fires with the mission of nagging Incident Commanders to fight fire on the cheap?


Today the U.S. Forest Service sent out their almost-annual “let my people go” letter, reminding managers that:

Our foundation principles guide us to support local fire emergencies as a priority over resource targets. Non-local fire emergencies can be supported at the local line officer’s discretion…. Line officers must support these fire suppression efforts and ensure employees are available to support the current national response to wildfires.”

Sometimes the letter is referred to as “The Moses Letter”.

And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.
— Exodus 5: 1 (KJV)

44 Australia and New Zealand firefighters coming to help the U.S.

On Saturday, U.S. time, 44 Australian and New Zealand firefighters will depart for the United States to assist with the wildland fires in California. The contingent will travel to the National Interagency Fire Center for a briefing and to be issued equipment.

From there they will be deployed to various fires, most likely in California. They will be working two 14-day assignments with a break in between. The entire expedition for them, including travel, briefing, fire assignments, and R&R, will last about 40 days.

We are always honored to accept the help of our bushfire bretheren from down under. What is this, the 3rd or 4th time they have sent a contingent over? I wonder if this is the earliest in the season they have done this? It might be a long summer. Pace yourself.

Update, July 11:
They will be sending Division Supervisors, Task Force Leaders, Helicopter Managers, and liaison personnel. This is the fifth time in the last eight years firefighters from down under have traveled to the U.S. to assist with fires. The last time was in 2006.

Photo courtesy of The Courier
Thanks to Dick for the tip.

Piute Fire Update, July 10

Since we last updated information about the Piute fire, south of Lake Isabella, California, it has grown on the north side, but is still quite some distance from primary roads and major population centers. It is 33,992 acres and is 28% contained.

Kern County FD reported this morning:

Yesterday, the fire was active in the northeast corner near Cortez Canyon and Dry Meadow. Crews continue to work on establishing a northern control line in the Erskine Creek and the Bob Rabbit Canyon areas utilizing hand crews supported by retardant drops; indirect control line on the northeast corner has been completed.

Dozers and hand crews have completed the control line on the western edge of the fire and will conduct a small burnout operation today. Firefighters have made excellent progress with direct control efforts on the eastern perimeter near Kelso Valley. There were no smokes visible on the south flank of the fire yesterday; crews plan to burnout a small piece of line along Piute Mountain Road today.

Ground crews are well supported by aerial resources with water bucket and retardant drops; in addition to the six assigned helicopters, eleven air tankers are on order today.

This map was updated at 0900 today. Click on it to see a larger version.