Wildfire potential, September through December, 2011

The Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center has issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook for September through December, 2011. If their prediction holds true, it looks like average or below average wildfire potential for most of the United States, except for Texas, Oklahoma, and the southeast.

Wildfire Outlook September 2011Wildfire Outlook October - December 2011


Wildfire potential, August through November, 2011

The Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center has issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook for August through November, 2011. According to their prediction, most of the western United States is in for a quiet late summer and fall, with the exception of Texas and Oklahoma in August, and most of the southeast except for Florida from September through November.

August monthly wildfire outlookWildfire potential, September through November, 2011

Wildfire potential, July through October, 2011

The Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center has issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook for July through October, 2011. If this turns out to be accurate, it looks like there will be average or below average wildfire potential beginning in July, except for Texas — of course. When it comes to wildfires over the last 8 months or so, if it were not for bad luck, Texas would have no luck at all.

Firefighters in Arizona and New Mexico have both been extremely busy during the last 30 days, with both states experiencing record-breaking fires, larger than any in recorded history. Here’s what the outlook says about that area:

Southwest: Above normal significant fire potential is expected across the northwestern one-third to one-half of Arizona as well as sections of northwestern New Mexico in July. Much of the remainder of the Southwest will transition from above normal to normal during the first 7-10 days of the month. Seasonal trends indicate moisture under the subtropical ridge will produce periods of increased rainfall over the region. However, conditions in the northwestern parts of both Arizona and New Mexico may linger in high fire potential past mid-month until deeper moisture and precipitation can migrate to those areas and reduce the threat. Temperatures are expected to be above normal for most of the area while precipitation is expected to be normal with slightly below normal over western Arizona.

Normal significant fire potential is expected for the entire Southwest for August through October. Normal to slightly above normal monsoon activity could produce above normal precipitation for the period, especially near the continental divide and eastward. The western Arizona lowlands could see normal precipitation. Temperatures are expected to be normal to slightly above normal through the period.

Seasonal wildfire outlook July, 2011
Seasonal wildfire outlook, August-October, 2011

Wildfire potential, June through September, 2011

Today the Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook for June through September, 2011. If this turns out to be accurate, it looks like it will be a quiet or average summer season for the United States, with the exception of portions of Arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, central Alaska, and Florida.

The primary factors influencing these outlooks are:

  • La Niña: La Niña continues to weaken with neutral conditions expected by July. However, soil moisture extremes resulting from La Niña will continue to affect temperature and precipitation patterns through the season. Temperatures will generally be below average with above average precipitation in areas where soil moisture is significantly above normal, until.
  • Drought: Drought will continue across much of the southern third of the U.S. with some improvement expected along the Gulf Coast and in parts of Texas and the Southwest.
  • Fuel Dryness: Fuel conditions across the southern tier of states are expected to continue to be dry through June, gradually improving across west Texas, the Gulf Coast and Florida as the month progresses. Across the northern tier heavy snow and precipitation this spring has delayed green up and curing, generally delaying the onset of fire season.

monthly wildfire potential outlook

seasonal wildfire potential outlook

Below is the latest version of the Drought Monitor:

Drought Monitor 5-24-2011

Wildfire potential, May through August, 2011

The Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook for May through August, 2011. If this turns out to be accurate, it looks like it will be a quiet or average summer season for the United States, with the exception of portions of the southwest and Florida.

The primary factors influencing these outlooks are:

  • La Niña: The ongoing La Niña influence is forecast to weaken through early summer of 2011 and return to neutral conditions.
  • Drought: Drought will persist across portions of the southwestern U.S. with improvement expected over the southeastern U.S. and portions of Texas.
  • Fuel Dryness: Dryness observed over Florida and the extreme southeast states during spring will diminish by June. Unusually dry areas with above normal significant fire potential will expand westward and northward across New Mexico and Arizona through the summer while easing through much of Texas.

(Click on the images to see larger versions.)

National Wildfire outlook May 2011

National Wildfire outlook June-Aug 2011

Here is the latest revision of the Drought Monitor released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Drought Monitor 4-26-2011


Wildfire potential, April through July, 2011

The Predictive Services section at the National Interagency Fire Center issued their National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook today for April through July, 2011.

The primary factors influencing these outlooks are:

  • La Niña: The ongoing La Niña episode is forecast to weaken in the spring and return to El Niño-Southern Oscillation neutral conditions.
  • Drought: Conditions are expected to persist and worsen across portions of the southwestern, southern, and central U.S. and along the mid-Atlantic seaboard. Some improvement is likely over Arkansas and sections of Virginia.
  • Fuel Dryness: Dryness observed over Florida and the extreme southeast states during the winter will continue into the summer. Unusually dry areas with above normal significant fire potential will expand westward across New Mexico and northward in Arizona through spring.

Wildfire potential, April 2011

Wildfire potential, May-July 2011

The latest revision of the Drought Monitor was released yesterday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Drought Monitor 3-31-2011